Strange round “Orbs” of light in various sizes have recently been appearing in the flash photographs, both indoors and outdoors, of millions of people across the world. Research of the internet indicates these floating bubbles of light first started appearing with frequency in 1996 and 1997. Ironically, this is the same time another amazing supernatural phenomenon first began occurring with frequency on the earth. That phenomenon consists of tiny golden dust particles which form out of “thin air”, when Jesus Christ is praised or lifted up.Click here to learn more about this amazing “Shekinah Glory” Dust Miracle.)
Invisible to the “naked eye”, the transparent Orbs were first captured by film cameras when a flash was used. However, recently digital flash cameras and video cameras have been recording the same strange spheres of light, and other unexplainable light phenomena. It appears that the new, small digital cameras are good tools for photographing Orbs, because the flash is closer to the lens. Light reflects back into the lens more directly. Even though flash cameras are now capturing Orbs, they are not the cause of them. This is obvious because of the millions of flash photos that are completely normal.
Many professional photographers and photo lab technicians are candidly admitting in private that they are unable to satisfactorily explain the circular balls of light, which suddenly show up in some photographs. This is because many of the Orb photographs, from all kinds of cameras, film and digital, don’t match the commonly recognized image reflection patterns of dust, pollen, moisture or camera lens light flares.
Unusual Orb images are suddenly appearing, often in great quantity, when they were not in the previous photographs taken seconds before, even though all the environmental and photographic conditions are exactly the same. To assume that invisible, common dust or moisture particles floating in the air, right in front of the camera lens, are all able to suddenly be the exact perfect distance, at the exact same moment to create reflected Orb image, when none were there seconds before is highly improbable and illogical.
In addition, numerous cameras and multiple photographers are capturing the same strange Orb images at the same time, which strains credulity even more. Also, the reflected, unexplainable Orbs most often show up in photos that are taken showing distance. Rarely do the Orbs show up in close-up photos, where the background is near the camera lens. If the unexplained Orbs were only tiny dust or moisture particles being photographed right in front of the camera lens, it should make little difference how far away the background is. Instead, the Orbs appear most often in photographs showing great distance.
Even so, the best explanation that is being forwarded by those who refuse to consider a supernatural explanation is that all Orbs are simply dust or moisture right in front of the camera. They refuse to consider any other paranormal or supernatural explanations.
Orbs usually appear as very faint, transparent, almost invisible spheres of light. However, they can also be very obvious in photographs, to the point where they become a solid, bright white light. Many times the faint “halos” of light appear in the same photograph along with the smaller, dense, solid white Orbs. In some cases, a delicate internal structure shows four concentric inner rings, with dots or “eyes” scattered across the Orb surface.
Usually, it is impossible to determine the exact size of an Orb in a photograph, since the distance from the camera lens normally cannot be accurately determined. The exception is when the Orbs partially appear in-between objects or persons.
The Orbs appear to range in size from several millimeters, to three meters in diameter. Photographs taken in sequence can be completely normal with no Orbs, and then the scene is suddenly filled with one to hundreds of these strange bubbles, with no changes in the atmospheric conditions. Orbs of light are being photographed indoors and outdoors, in total darkness and in daylight, at locations all over the world, with all kinds of cameras and flashes. To most people, the Orbs are totally invisible to the “naked eye”, and are only revealed when a camera flash or strobe light is used. However, I know of a number of Christians who can see them with their naked eyes.
Like naturally explained Orbs, the unexplained Orbs are a real too - a genuine light phenomenon that is being observed and photographed around the world. As a result, some in the photographic, scientific and spiritual communities have taken note. For example in April of 2007, about 15,000 people a day searched the word “Orbs” on the “Google” search engine. A year later this number had increased to over a million searches per day!
Orbs in most cases cannot be adequately explained photographically or scientifically. The photography and camera companies don’t want to take any blame for defective products. Therefore, their “standard” answer is to immediately deny any fault, and then state the normal causes of light flares, light spots or flaws in photographs. Tiny particles in the air can cause light reflection orbs in rare cases, but this still does not explain the millions of photographs that don’t fit the pattern.
Orbs of light have been observed high in the atmosphere, even from the NASA Space Shuttle. Government video is available to the public and can be viewed on the Internet. To my knowledge, no satisfactory scientific explanation of the unexplainable Orbs has been widely accepted. This is because many people can’t intellectually deal with evidence that contridicts their secular, scientific “world view”. However, this dogmatic perspective is totally inadequate for evaluating the supernatural, spiritual realm.
Explainable, “natural” Orbs do occasionally appear in photographs, though very rare. They are the result of light reflections and flares. A flare occurs when a camera is pointed toward a bright light source. Photographers are well acquainted with this common optic effect, which can result in a six-sided Orb image, or the color spectrum. Other naturally explained photographic Orb images result from dust, pollen, snow, ice crystals, rain or other moisture, which are illuminated at close range by a camera flash. These particles can appear large and far away, but this is an optical illusion, since they are literally right in front of the camera lens. These Orbs have no life or intelligence. They are simply light reflections of tiny particles right in front of the camera lens.
However, all the professional photographers and laboratory technicians I have spoken with say “natural” Orbs are a very rare occurrence at best, and that the strange Orb images appearing now in photographs do not match the previously known images, familiar to the industry.
The problem facing “anti-supernatural” skeptics, scientists and photography experts is that simple, logical explanations don’t fit. For example, a photograph of a partially hidden Orb (one that is behind a person or object) should be impossible to take. These rare photographs completely negate the “tiny particle theory.” I have shot many photos myself that show Orbs behind people, objects and coming through walls!
Finally, I have observed during Christian worship services, prayer time and ministry, that the Orbs appear to increase in number, size and brightness. Some Orbs even appear to hover over pastors and certain Christians, while some Orbs continue to move through the room. In addition, in many churches experience the supernatural “Shekinah Glory” dust at the same time the Orbs appear. None of the amazing supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit are explainable by science.
The probability that “natural” Orbs would suddenly increase dramatically in number, when none or a few were present only seconds before, does not make logical sense. The quantities of “natural” Orbs in the air, whatever they are, should remain basically constant, if photographs are taken by the same camera, in quick succession. Also, the strange internal structure of some Orbs does not match the normal reflected images of dust or moisture.
In a frantic effort to provide an explanation that is not “supernatural”, some people are presenting theories that the unexplainable Orbs are similar to “Ball Lightning”, and can only be explained with Quantum Physics, electromagnetic fields, plasma energy, electrons and photons. Some have coined the word, “Unified Field Plasmoids” to identify the strange Orbs of light. However, real science has not proved any of these theories true.
Explanations fall short as to how some Orbs are able to defy the known laws of physics and appear to have a life and will of their own. The physical movements of these Orbs are not linear, or random. The Orbs appear to have intentional, controlled movements, and this puzzles people who don’t acknowledge the supernatural realm. The unexplained Orbs appear to move, change direction, size, and brightness and follow people, at will. This is considered “coincidence” by those unwilling to accept a “supernatural” explanation.
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On November 4, 2006 Artist, Max Greiner, spoke at the dedication of one of his life-size "Fisher of Men" Bronze Sculptures, at East Texas Baptist University in Marshall, TX. Max's Cannon Rebel digital Camera captured this Orb over the top of the Artists head.

Max posed with the donors of his Sculpture at East Texas University on November 4, 2006. Notice the soft ball size, faint Orb touching Max's head. The next photo taken about 5 seconds later shows the Orb moved down slightly over Max's face.

These three (above) photographs were all shot in sequence, only seconds apart, with the exact same camera settings, at Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas, TX. Between the second and third shot, Max prayed and asked God to put an Angel Orb in the photograph with his wife. Three Orbs immediately appeared next to Sherry Greiner. One Orb was so close to the camera that the entire photograph appears to be washed out because the photo was taken right through it!

The Angel Orbs appear to hover over Christians totally focused on worshiping Jesus Christ. Max took this picture at the Lead Conference held in October of 2006 in Irving, TX.

Maria Martinez passionately worships Jesus Christ. Max photographed her in the balcony of Impact Christian Fellowship in Kerrville, Texas.

Impact Church Fellowship Church worship leader, David Cawthon, writes anointed praise and worship songs about Jesus, which bring the congregation to the throne room of God.

A large Angelic Orb formed next to David Danielson, the Pastor of Impact Christian Fellowship, during the dedication of the new sanctuary on December 10, 2006. |