Back at the Ranch

A New Team At The Helm!

By Ryan & Nicole Huff

June 17, 2009, marked my first day as an employee of Max Greiner Jr. Designs, as the new Office Manager. This was a result of God’s direction and  perfect timing when Justin and Diana Shay Evans landed  jobs in Frisco, TX. Justin currently works for Cooper Aerobics Center at Craig Ranch, and Diana Shay is a Home Economics teacher for sixth, seventh, and eighth graders at Scoggins Middle School

It amazes me how quickly time flies. Here we are five months later with many lessons learned, and endless lessons yet to be taught. It is a tremendous blessing and pleasure to work with Max, Sherry, Jose Mendoza, and last but certainly not least, my lovely wife, Nicole. I can’t forget “Macy”, the office dog. She keeps us all on our feet. Jose has remained a constant for Max and Sherry, and the Greiner business for over 20 years. We are all thankful for his devotion and experience. The transition for Nicole and I has been a pleasant one.

The position here at Max Greiner Jr. Designs fulfills two deep passions close to my heart. The first passion is the ability to serve God in His Kingdom by providing clients with Holy Spirit inspired artwork that reminds them of my Savior. Whether the art is used as gifts of gratitude, or awards of recognition, Max’s compositions are blessing the hearts and souls of people around the world. The second passion fulfilled by working at the office is the opportunity I have to serve alongside of my beautiful wife. God has enabled us to value each other’s strengths and weaknesses. We have learned the lesson through the years of accepting each others’ thoughts and ideas as confirmations, instead of giving pride an opportunity to rear its ugly head to claim credit for achievement. Teamwork always works best with unity!

Nicole primarily works on the website and graphic designing, while also juggling technical projects Max throws her way. I work with clients to insure a constant flow of income for the business in addition to knowing the details related to the operating systems Max Greiner Jr. Designs has in place. All the while, we get to look out of our large office windows to see God’s creation at its finest! We experience all sorts of animal life, from “Penny” the homing pigeon that had an instinctive dislike for “Macy” the “Office Dog”, to on one rare occasion, three Aoudad rams. Whitetail deer, turkeys, doves, porcupines, and raccoons are also plentiful on the ranch.

In addition to working here at the ranch, Nicole and I have witnessed the ups and downs of the legal battle transpiring against The Coming King Foundation.  Max and Sherry’s efforts, along with TCKF, for a Christ like resolution have been commendable and impressive to say the least. Such a resolution would enable The Coming King Foundation to progress forward with the “Primary Mission.” This mission consists of bringing souls into the King’s Kingdom through the Sculpture Prayer Garden. Please continue  to support and pray for Max, Sherry and the Board of Trustees of The Coming King Foundation. We are thanking God for His provision and faithfulness. When we are weak, He is strong!





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