The following articles and publications have been written by or about Max and Sherry. Selected articles are reproduced here in chronological order. Max published his first national magazine article in September of 1970, while he was still in high school. He was 18 years old at the time and shocked his English class and teacher! Max would later go on to publish numerous magazine articles using his own photography and illustrations. In 1970, he was the Bowhunting Editor of the Texas Trophy Hunters Association magazine. Writing became one of the many ways Max expressed his creativity. |
NRB (December 19,2024)
20 Year Anniversary and "The Divine Purpose"
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View Article at NRB |
SA Beacon (December 02,2024)
The backstory to the Spiritual roots and fruit of The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden
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View Article at SA Beacon
KERRVILLE DAILY TIMES (November 30,2024)
20 Year Anniversary and "The Divine Purpose" |
Greiner’s book documents battle for ‘The Empty Cross’ |
Max Greiner steps down as president of The Coming King Foundation and reflects on the 16-year journey. |
CHARISMA (June 2018)
BAPTIST STANDARD (November 2017)
One of Max’s life-size “Divine Servant”® bronze sculptures was moved from the Dallas headquarters of the Southern Baptist Convention to Waco, TX when the office was relocated. This article explains how no matter where the poignant art is located, the Holy Spirit uses it to touch hearts.
“The Divine Servant” sculpture by Max Greiner at the Texas Baptist Historical Collection in Waco, Texas. (Photo & Story by Craig Nash) |
5 Things to see or do in....KERRVILLE - Story by Jennifer Reiley, Photos by Tom Holden.
VIVA TEXAS (Summer 2013)
Ernesto Kuri, owner and publisher of VIVA TEXAS magazine visited the cross with his family right before Easter 2013. God touched the entire family at "The Empty Cross". The Kuri family now supports the garden project and is praying that God will put a garden in Mexico. The Summer 2013 magazine issue features the Texas Hill Country and Kerrville. The publication is distributed in Texas and Mexico.
The Greiners' personal testimony was featured in a Christian magazine, distributed throughout the San Antonio area, by publisher Elizabeth Gordon. This article shares how God "made" Max an artist, and then "called" him to be an evangelist. The saga of trials and difficulties faced by the Greiners during their life is recounted, ending with the birth of The Coming King Foundation, and the "vision" to build beautiful Sculpture Prayer Gardens across the world, to honor Jesus Christ.
CANYON LAKE (Summer-Fall 2011)
On July 27, 2010, Max Greiner's 77' 7" steel sculpture called "The Empty Cross"™ was erected in The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden in Kerrville, TX. |
The 77'7", 70 ton Cor-tin steel "Resurrection" contemporary cross sculpture, by Max Greiner, Jr., was erected in The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden on July 27, 2010, as the world watched via "LIVE" streaming video. Thousands of magazine, newspaper, internet, radio and TV stories appeared across the USA and world at the time. The historic event was covered by the Associated Press, because of past attacks against The Coming King Foundation from atheists, and a 15 month lawsuit filed to stop the cross from ever being erected in the Christ-honoring garden. |
Max and Sherry Greiner, along with Monte and Beverly Paddleford donated the 77'7", 70 ton, Cor-tin Steel sculpture, called "The Empty Cross" to The Coming King Foundation. The spiritually symbolic sculpture was quietly delivered to the 23 acre Sculpture Prayer Garden in Kerrville, TX on 10/30/09, because of threats by atheists. The massive contemporary cross was erected on 7/27/10. |
God first worked miracles in Max's life, at the age of 24. In September of 1976, the Holy Spirit spoke to max on a bowhunting trip for Black Bear near McCall, ID. The next morning Greiner proclaimed to all the hunters and guides what God said He would do that day. The miraculous events happened exactly as Max predicted and were witnessed and photographed by everyone present. |
CHARISMA (May 2007)
Max Greiner, Jr. was the first person to share the Angel Orb phenomenon (Ez 1:15) in the national and international Christian media. Convinced that some of the round balls of light appearing in flash photographs were actually the type of angel described thousands of years ago by the Jewish prophet Ezekiel, Greiner asked the Holy Spirit how he could use the information to bring souls to Christ. Greiner posted an essay about orbs on his website and then "purchased" the search word "orbs" from GOOGLE. As a result, the artist evangelist was able to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to thousands of strangers around the world, since millions were searching the words "angel orbs". Even today, Greiner's website has the best photographs and scriptural explanation of the phenomenon on the internet, and has reached the New Age crowd with the Good News of Jesus Christ. |
WAR CRY (Easter 2002)
On Easter of 2002, the Salvation Army published a story on Max's newest bronze sculpture, "The Coming King"®. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Max was the first artist in the world to create a bronze sculpture of Christ returning in glory (Rev 19:11). Millions of people saw this article, which went all over the world. The account does a great job explaining the composition, and the scriptural references to the different elements depicted in the Greiner sculpture. The first signed and numbered life-size (105%) bronze sculpture was erected in Costa Mesa, CA, at the Trinity Broadcasting Network studios. |
TODAY'S CHRISTIAN MAN (January/February 2002)
This 2002 article chronicles Max and Sherry's epic spiritual journey, from salvation to the beginning of their supernatural ministry in 1989. This is the first magazine article that publicly acknowledged the miraculous appearance of the "Shekinah Glory" dust (Ex 34:29 & Isa 60:1) in the liveds of the Greiners, which started manifesting on March 7, 1999 and continues to this day. This is the story of how God sculpted a stubborn, fourth generation Southern Baptist into an fearless, spirit-filled evangelist! |
CHARISMA (February 2001)
This news story in Charisma magazine shared with the world the amazing miracle of the Shekinah Glory dust (Isa 60:1 & Ex 34:29). Tiny sparkling particles began manifesting daily in the lives of the Greiners, to their amazement. The supernatural substance looks like fine golden glitter. However, repeated laboratory research indicates the substance is unknown in the universe. The golden particles appeared on Max's family, his artwork, his studio and thousands of people as the Greiners witnessed Jesus Christ is God, and is coming back. This ongoing miracle began on March 7, 1999 and has continued everyday since then. |
CHARISMA (October 1994)
This article documents the Greiners entry into the spirit-filled life, and "Baptism in the Holy Spirit". This article also describes the creation process of Max's first Christian sculpture, "Divine Servant"®. This story shares how God "sculpted" the artist before he could be used in ministry. After being humbled, Max yielded to God. Then, his destiny in Christ began to unfold. Sherry Greiner also was touched by the Holy Spirit at the same time. Since their empowerment, the couple has been used powerfully by the Holy Spirit to touch millions of people for Jesus. |
The Annual Review of Texas Architect 1994 issue carried a "Letter To The Editor" from a Dallas architect, who did not know Max personally, only his work. The letter relates to the creative "Kitsch Surrealism" art that Max created for TAMU Professors, John Fairy and Rodney Hill, between 1970 to 1974, in his effort to earn a design degree from the College of Architecture. To this day, Greiner's imaginative art projects, created during his college years, are still used to inspire new design students to "think outside the box." |
GLORY (Summer 1992)
In this 1992 article, Max writes that God appears to be "calling" Christian visual artists out of the secular world to create high quality, professional, contemporary artwork, that brings glory to God. He predicts, even before the "Seven Mountain" hypothesis became known, that God was "calling" His sons and daughters to reclaim the "mountain" of visual arts for Jesus Christ. Up until that time few artists dared to create art with overtly Christian subject matter, because of the ridicule of the avant-garde art culture. However, time proved that Greiner was a pioneer for thousands of other Christian artists who began to use their artistic gifts for the glory of God. The amazing testimony of Max's early professional art career is also recounted here, including the struggles and victories. | |
TEXAS AGGIE (March 1980)
Max and his artwork were feature by Texas A&M University's TEXAS AGGIE magazine as the cover story in 1980. Max was 28 years old at the time, one of the youngest Texas Aggies ever featured on the cover of the alumni magazine. This article help launch Max and Sherry's fledgling fine art business. This article shared the range of Max's art from realism to abstraction, impressionism to kitsch surrealism. |
BOWHUNTER (February 1980)
"Bowhunter" was one of the first national magazines to feature Max's artwork. The artist was 29 years old at the time and much of his art consisted of drawings, paintings and bronze sculpture of North American wildlife, which he studied, photographed and hunted with a bow and arrow. At the same time Max served as the volunteer leader of numerous state and national archery organizations. |
One of the very first magazine articles on Max's new art career was published by The Texas Trophy Hunters Association. Much of Max's early professional artwork consisted of nature and art wildlife subject matter, because Max and Sherry were avid outdoors people involved in bowhunting, canoeing, backpacking and wilderness camping. At the time Max also served as the Bowhunting Editor of the magazine because of his hunting and archery expertise. |
BOW & ARROW (Sept/Oct 1970)
Max wrote his first nationally published article for Bow & Arrow Magazine in September of 1970, the leading archery publication of its day. The story describes a bowhunting adventure with a 6' long alligator gar, which Max arrowed in the marsh near Port Arthur, TX. |