PROPHECY TITLE: “The Garden Tabernacle”
Click here to see and hear the actual prophetic word
given by Dr. Mahesh Chavda. |
RECEIPTIENTS: Max (Age 50) & Sherry Greiner (Age 49)
DATE GIVEN: December 9, 2001
LOCATION: Cathedral of Praise Church, Austin, TX
On December 9, 2001, artist/evangelist, Max Greiner, Jr. and his wife, Sherry were visiting Cathedral of Praise Church in Austin, TX. Pastor, Dr. Bill Hart introduced his guest speaker evangelist/pastor, Dr. Mahesh Chavda to the Greiners before the service. The Greiners had traveled from Kerrville, about 100 miles away to hear the evangelist speak. During the service to their surprise, Dr. Chavda stopped in the middle of his sermon and turned toward the couple. The traveling preacher from North Carolina then spoke a prophetic word over the Greiners, in front
of hundreds of witnesses.
Mahesh: “By the way, Max and Sherry Greiner, I’m going to lay hands on you later on. I feel like God is going to be your attorney, because of your hunger and because you both honor the LORD and His presence, the glory.
There is a price you’ve had to pay. Some doors were shut, I don’t know the details. I just shook your hands today. I just met you. But, the LORD is opening glory doors and you have heart, both you and Sherry.
I saw over you Sherry grace, grace, grace written there. There is grace coming in your life, your ministry. And the former things are former things. There is such glory up a head for both of you. God in His will put you together. I just see a fire bomb of the Holy Spirit with you two.
The Tabernacle of David…your work, what you are doing, these are some of the ornaments. In the spirit realm I saw the things you are doing are part of the restoration process. YOU WILL BE INVOLVED IN THE RESTORATION OF THE TABERNACLE OF DAVID. Very important to the LORD, what you are doing.
We want to encourage you. You are part of the army of Glory Nuts! You are one of the leaders in the creative area. There are a whole slew of creative people that you are pioneering for. I saw like a coonskin cap on your head! You were pioneering! But, Sherry was right there with you. She has the fire and that kind of survival mode, being a pioneer woman! So, the LORD has given you much, but it really doesn’t matter because what matters is the presence of the LORD!”
Everyone in the congregation of about 300 people clapped as the Greiners sat back down confused by what they heard. Dismissing the “word” as Charismatic excess, Max whispered to Sherry, “Boy, he missed that one! God is never going to rebuild the Tabernacle.” However, the Greiners saved the recording of the unexpected prophetic word, since the Scripture says not to despise prophecy.
However to their surprise, on August 22, 2002, eight months later, Max received an email from another total stranger, Marlon Quibodeaux of Beaumont, TX. The Christian businessman/evangelist wrote that God was “calling” Max to build a 77’7” cross sculpture over IH-10, for the glory of God.
Confused about another “out of the blue” prophetic word, Max called Quibodeaux. The Marlon was convinced that God was “calling” Greiner to create a 77’7” cross sculpture, to be placed over IH-10.
Greiner agreed to pray about the unusual “word”. However, the artist was not interested, since a sculpture seven stories tall would cost over a million dollars. No funding was available for the project at the time.
However, in obedience the Christian artist prayed for God’s will in the matter. To his surprise, Greiner received an “open vision” of a 300’ cross-shaped Sculpture Prayer Garden, with his four monumental Christian bronze sculptures on display, and a new massive cross design at the end. In the vision, Max saw a unique hollow, open cross sculpture and cars turning off the highway into the free garden park!
The 77’7” sculpture, “The Empty Cross” was raised on 7/27/10, in the 23 acre “Garden Tabernacle”. Today, this vision is being fulfilled for the glory of God on IH-10 in Kerrville, TX!