Orbs Around "Noted Christians"

Family Research Council Conference Washington, D.C.

On October 19 - 21, 2007, thousands of Christians met in Washington DC at the Family Research Council's "Washington Briefing" convention.  Organization President, Tony Perkins (pictured above) opened the convention with God's Angels floating in the room over the heads of more that 2,500 politically active Christians, all dedicated to fighting the culture war to preserve the Christian heritage of this country. 

The round angelic Orbs hovered over the passionate crowd the entire conference.  The Orbs of light were visible to anyone shooting flash cameras, and appeared to increase in numbers and brightness when strong Christian leaders took the podium to speak.  However, the round Angel Orbs, as first described thousands of years ago by the Jewish prophet, Ezekiel, darted across the crowd of Christians, even when no speakers were at the podium.

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