Supernatural Orbs
"Born-Again" Christians

Angel Orbs and Glory Dust

----- Original Message -----
From: "Diane Price"
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 12:59 PM
Subject: Angel Orbs & Glory Dust

I, along with some friends from work, have been attending a revival in Blaine, MN.  The angel Orbs have been appearing in our digital photos as well as in my home.

When enlarged, one of the pictures of the ceiling at the revival showed a glowing gold substance in the cracks of the wooden
planks.  Could this be the glory dust you are referring to in your article?

I can send photos if you are interested.

  Diane Price

----- Original Message -----
From: "Max Greiner, Jr."
To: "Diane ORBS Price"
Subject: Fw: angel orbs and glory dust
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2007 16:00:46 –0500

Dear Diane,

Thanks for your email.  Sorry for the delay in responding, but I have been out of town for over a month, and have returned to stacks of letters.

Yes, would you please send me your Orb photos and glowing gold substance that you photographed.  I would be glad to evaluate them for you.

Anything is possible with God!

God bless you.

In Jesus,

Max Greiner, Jr. Designs

----- Original Message -----
From: "Diane Price"
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 1:19 PM
Subject: RE: Angel Orbs & Glory Dust

Thanks for the reply.  I forwarded one of the best pictures to you in a separate email.  It was taken by a friend.  I will look for a couple others and send them on to you as soon as I can.

I, too, was raised Baptist.  We now are in full-time ministry with The Salvation Army.  I love the ministry, but this denomination is also one that will not readily accept some of these things.  Your website was very helpful to me.

I realize you must be very busy and don't have time to answer all the emails you receive, so I don't expect a reply. 
Thank you so much.

Diane Price

From: "Max Greiner, Jr."
To: "Diane ORBS Price" Subject: Analysis of Angel & Glory Picture
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 20:09:53 –0500

Dear Diane,

Thanks for the Angel Orb photos.

It is interesting that your spiritual roots are Southern Baptist, like mine. The Salvation Army is a great denomination to work with.  They are precious servants of God.

Regarding the first amazing photo you sent me, after looking at it and praying, I would think you have a rare photo of both the Angel Orbs and the Shekinah Glory dust cloud.

It appears the camera flash has caught both the Angelic beings Ezekiel wrote about, and the Shekinah Glory Cloud that Moses and others talked about.  The flash seems to be reflecting light off the small, dust size particles swirling in the air, while the Angel Orbs are there too.

Did the people in this service notice the sparkling dust particles on their skin, clothes or chairs?  I would guess they did.

The Glory Cloud has been repeatedly appearing at Dr. Bill Hart's "Cathedral of Praise Church" in Austin, and Dr. Mahesh Chavda's church is Charlotte, SC.  I feel certain the Cloud is occurring at many other places, where Jesus is worshipped without reservation.

I am sharing you photo with the leadership of my church, "Impact Christian Fellowship" for their information.

Could you give me permission to post this unusual photo on my website?

Thanks for all the photos you have sent, they are amazing.

When people ask about the Orbs, tell them about Jesus!

In His name,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Diane Price"
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 1:00 PM
Subject: RE: Analysis of Angel & Glory Picture

The man in center of the picture is the evangelist, Doug Stanton.  I think it would be wonderful if you put the picture on your website, but out of courtesy, I think I should ask him first.  Okay with you?    His website is  The revival in Blaine, Minnesota is now in its 20th week,
I think.  They are meeting 6 nights a week and amazing photos like this are being taken every night.

I will let you know very soon and answer the rest of your questions.

Diane Price



Click on image above to enlarge.











Confirmation Ceremony

----- Original Message -----
From: Kathlene Kohl
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 4:20 PM
Subject: Emailing: mom's pics 064

This picture was taken at a confirmation ceremony at a catholic church in New York. 

The teens were standing to renew their baptismal promises.  I do not know the girl in the picture where the orb appeared.  It has an obvious ring and smaller rings within it.

Your site was the only site I could find that was not New Age.  I hope you aren't anti-Catholic because by your own website, this is a gift of the Holy Spirit. God's spirit is with us too.

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 8:55 PM
Subject: Orb photo

Dear Kathleen,

Thanks for your email, photo and kind words about my website.  I am glad the Holy Spirit has used it to bless you.
No, I am not "anti-Catholic", I am "pro-Jesus"!!!

If you love Jesus Christ, and trust in His goodness for your salvation from hell, then you are a "born-again" Christian, as defined by Jesus in the Bible.  That means you are "Saved", as the Protestants call it.

It doesn't make any difference what "flavor" Christian a person is, as long as they have a true, personal relationship with God through His Son, Jesus.

Church membership, doing "religion" and "good works" will get no one to Heaven.  Faith in Jesus, through God's grace is the only true path to God.

I would guess you love Jesus and will be in Heaven, right?

You sent me a terrific Angel Orb photo!  Would you allow me to post it on our website, for the benefit of others?

I pray God continues to bless you in all you do!  Thanks for your encouragement and Orb photo.

In Jesus,


Max Greiner, Jr. Designs
P.O. Box 290552
Kerrville, TX 78029

Click here to see more "Supernatural" Orbs that were photographed by other "Born-Again" Christians.





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