Supernatural Orbs
"Born-Again" Christians

Women's Conference Orbs

In July of 2005 a group of women at church sponsored a one day Women's Conference. It took a year to plan. We met every Monday night for over nine months to pray for the ladies who would share that special day. We had 750 seats to fill. We bought 750 glass hearts and held them in our hands.Over the next nine months we prayed  for each of those hearts. We prayed over and over again for the Shekinah Glory of God to fall on that day and on those women. We showed up ready for a miracle and God provided!

Six weeks before the conference, we were sold out. On the day of the event over 650 women came together to share the joy. Dee Brestin and Kathy Troccoli came and blessed us with their knowledge of what it is like to be Falling in Love with Jesus. The pictures of the conference were taken July 23, 2005 with a digital camera. Not only do you see the Orbs but if you exam the picture you will see a shadow sitting on the stairs  to the left of the auditorium.  You will also see a blue Orb very different from the rest on the left side of the stage. In one of the pictures a huge Orb is seen to the back of the auditorium and above it is a tongue of fire. These pictures remind me of the song When We All Get To Heaven....what a day of rejoicing that will be! How awesome is our Jesus!

The pictures taken in my home were taken two weeks before the conference and a few weeks after. Two different disposable cameras were used. I was preparing a presentation for an Emmaus Gathering when I discovered a glimpse of the Heavenly in both the pictures from my home and the ones from the conference. The ladies who were photographed in my home are a part of a Bible Study group. We have been meeting every Thursday night for over eight years. One of my sisters lifted her hands in praise and as you can see she was not alone.........I love God's sense of humor and His always perfect sense of timing.

These pictures show a Heavenly dimension we are generally unaware of.........God is working miracles everyday. He is a God who brings wonder to everything and everyone He touches. I adore Him. I must admit I thought I would never see anything like this again. I came down from the mountain and I got stuck in the valley for awhile.  It took me some time to let go of that miracle. But God walked me through and brought me to a place
where I had to move on. He is ever present and as we seek His face He changes us from glory to glory. This heavenly glimpse has given me an awareness that He is right here....right now. I am blessed to know at any moment our Jesus could return. I look to the sky and I can not wait. It was two years ago this month and I am still filled with awe. Your website came to me this week and what a surprise for my soul it was. He is constantly reminding us He is there. God Bless you for sharing the wonder. I'll see you in heaven. I'll be the one wearing an "I love Jesus" headbopper.....

Cindy Billings



Click on the images below to enlarge.

Click here to see more "Supernatural" Orbs that were photographed by other "Born-Again" Christians.





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