Supernatural Orbs
"Born-Again" Christians

Guardian Angel

----- Original Message -----
From: Christa Hope
Sent: Sunday 9/09/2007 9:35 PM

After viewing your site, I was encouraged. My daughter was baptized recently. After downloading the pictures from my camera, I noticed the one attached. Above my husband's head is a large Orb. I have a belief that there is more out in our world than can be seen by naked eye. Once seeing this, I have been calling this Orb my daughter's "Guardian Angel." After seeing your page, I only believe it is more.

Thank you for ministering this venue online!

Christa Hobe
West Chester , OH


Click on the images to enlarge.

Angel Orbs at Costume Party

----- Original Message -----
From: sharen
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 11:07 AM

Hello Max Greiner,

Thank you, thank you, thank you for even being willing to discuss such a phenomenon from a Christian perspective. I recently had a fall costume party with many friends and family, most of whom are Christians. After the party, I discovered many “Orbs” in various photographs. Literally an hour or two later, my friend called to ask if I had any odd balls of light in my pictures. Stunned, I asked, “Why do you say that?” Her response was that she, too, had found “Orbs” in two photographs. After comparing photos, we determined that it could not possibly be a glare or dust, and that whatever these things were, they were captured on two different cameras.
The Internet can turn up some interesting things about Orbs, as you’ve pointed out on your Web site. Since viewing the pictures, we have prayed for spiritual covering in our home; but something was bothering me: How could these Orbs be demonic and be allowed in a God-fearing, born-again Christian household? I did not sense any evil presence at the party or in my home. Also, the Orbs were only found in pictures with believers. When I found your site, the most important things that jumped out at me were the clear use of scripture to potentially explain what we are seeing, as well as the interesting observation that these Orb pictures exploded onto the scene at an exponential rate since around 1996. How quickly we forget about the amazing miracles our God has done as recorded in scripture! How easy it is to “pretend” these signs of the end times aren’t real! How silly of me to assume that these should be “feared” or are “evil” when I know that miraculous signs CERTAINLY can come from God, not just Satan.
So, knowing that I’m not crazy, that helps. =-) I do believe in signs and wonders, and I do believe in our amazing God. While we cannot definitively say that these are Angels, they certainly are “there,”—that is something that I cannot and will not ignore—and reading your words have helped me better understand how to act and live after experiencing this miracle. I do believe that we will see many more signs and wonders—many seemingly unexplainable,
I am sure—and we must continue to place our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and approach these wonders with the hearts of Christians, with Christ-like wisdom and discernment.

Again, thanks for the information, and God bless!
~ Sharon



Conference Angel Orbs

----- Original Message -----

From: Kristie Walker

Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 12:58 PM

Dear Max Greiner, Jr.,

I am sending to you two photos that were recently taken at my church during a women's conference.  I will tell you what was happening:  Our Praise Team had just finished singing and the Holy Spirit is moving very strongly.  The speaker had just taken the microphone and was exhorting the congregation as the Spirit prompted her.  I remember feeling the Holy Ghost so strongly at this point and am basking in His presence.  The speaker had just finished saying, "God will withhold nothing from you" and I received it as a Rhema word from the Lord into my life.  The lady taking the pictures was also overcome by the Spirit and had to put her camera down.  These two pictures show two very distinct over the entire Praise Team members and one directly over or on top of me.  I read your article but I would like you to look at these pictures personally to see your thoughts.  I had been praying for God's glory to show up in our conferen ce...did He choose this method of showing Himself and what is significant about the Orb being over me?

Thanks for any information,
Kristie Walker



Orbs Appears With Family

----- Original Message -----
From: Trena Owens
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2007 10:48 AM

I was so excited to see your article in the May 2007 issue of Charisma magazine! The Spirit Orbs, wow, I have been blessed with seeing Orbs for many years. In 1995 the Holy Spirit showed me a living sphere, for the 2 days following that sight, the colors of this world were changed to colors that I have never seen before or after. I am a God loving and God fearing woman. I am the mother of six children. This past Christmas, after much prayer for my children, God saw to it that we were all together at my home. This photograph is of my six children. Three of my children are obedient to the call of Jesus, and three are not. After seeing this picture ... I know without any doubts that all six are under the blood of Jesus! Praise His Holy Name!

I do have other pictures also where the Spirit Orbs are present!

Thank you for sharing your experiences with the Spirit! God is so good!

In the love of Jesus!

Trena Owens


Click on the images to enlarge.

Click here to see more "Supernatural" Orbs that were photographed by other "Born-Again" Christians.





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