Supernatural Orbs
"Born-Again" Christians

Luis Rivera Orbs

Luis Rivera emailed Max and then called and spoke with Max's production manager, Jose Mendoza. Luis shared with him, that he is among the very few people on earth who are able to actually see the Angle Orbs with his naked eyes.

After praying,
 he demonstrates, as he holds the child's hand just under the Orb and then points to another Orb.

Luis passes on the message, "God loves you!"


Orbs Never Encountered Before

----- Original Message -----
From: Christy
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 10:57 PM
Subject: About the 3 pics just sent...

I'll start by saying that we have never encountered this before.....ever.  AFTER we looked at our pictures this evening I purposely went looking for Orb info.  That is how I found your website.  We are born-again Christians.  We just took these pictures of us yesterday afternoon.  We used the timer function on our camera.  Note that in the one picture where the Orb is not readily visible it is up between the right side of the deer picture and the curtain!  We were astounded when we looked at these pics!  THESE WERE ALL THREE TAKEN IN RAPID SUCCESSION WITH THE TIMER ON OUR CAMERA!!!  When I first saw them I thought,"oh great, some dust or something ruined our pictures!"  After I looked at them closer AND compared them to hundreds of photos we have taken with our camera - and not had even one other - I knew it was Orbs that I had heard of years ago but had never had any in any of my photos.

Wanted to share with you and also I have to say that after reading your entire article I learned so much and gained so much insight in to other areas of our Christian walk that had nothing to do with the orbs.  WONDERFUL article!!!  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITING WHAT ALL YOU DID!!!  You opened our eyes to so much more.  We, too, think we are living in the end times.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR ARTICLE!  I feel almost as if I was meant to read it - not because of any of the Orb info - but because of ALL the other info I needed to read.  It had to have been meant to be!!

Thank you,
Christy Luers
Darren Luers
C.J.   &     Colton



Small Orbs and Large Orbs

----- Original Message -----
From: Diana Paugh
Sent: Monday, Jan. 21, 2008 11:08 PM
Subject: orbs

Please find the attached photos.  I have been taking pictures at our little church since last August 2007... And ever since, we have seen these Orbs or whatever they are. Sometimes there are large ones and sometimes small. Then a single one, or a lot together... I have taken them with lights on and off.  I’m still getting the same thing. I can take a picture and then I can take one shot after the other, then nothing, and then another shot...there they are... Any info would be appreciated. We are a full gospel church and believe in the manifestations of God also...

Thank You,
God bless...Diana



Click here to see more "Supernatural" Orbs that were photographed by other "Born-Again" Christians.





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