Supernatural Orbs
"Born-Again" Christians

Pastor Bill Hart's Orb Photos

December 19, 2006

Dear Max,

    Yes, we had great time with Mahesh Chavda as usual, sure hope to see you folks sometime in near future. Yes, you can use the picture of the orb I sent you, this was taken while I was preaching in VA in February. The man under the Orb is the pastor of the Church, Vernon Dean. We have lots of pics of Orbs when we were remodeling our church. We had so many in one photo that they formed a cloud of Orbs, pretty amazing! I will see what I can do to get you some more photos. The one in Virgina is the most brilliant that I have seen. It was taken with digital camera, but we have seen them with all kinds of digital, 35mm and even Polaroid cameras.


Pastor Bill Hart
Catheral of Praise
Austin, Texas

Artist. Max Greiner, Jr. took thisOrb photograph at Catherdral Of Praise in Austin on 8/5/07, as the Shekinah Glory Dust formed on the face of Pastor Bill Hart.
Pastor Bill and Sue Hart hold their precious grand daughter after church on 8/5/07.
This photo was taken by Dr. Bill Hart while in a Washinton D.C. church. The bright Orb can be seen over the Pastor of the curch, Vernon Dean.
Dr. Bill Hart is Pastor of Cathedral of Praise Church in Austin, Texas. Bill and his congregation have witnessed incredible "signs and wonders" of God during their services. These include the light Orbs, the "Shekinah Glory" Dust and the "Shekinah Glory" Cloud. For more information on the dynamic, Austin church, visit their website:

Christian Interactive Network Orbs

December 8, 2006


Look at these pictures.  I took these pictures yesterday after our devotional in the morning! The first picture has Orbs floating in several places!  These are pictures of the construction area of our new data center.

Gregory B. Darby
Founder & President

Christian Interactive Network -

StormSafeTM DataVaulting Solutions
StormServerTM  - StormVaultTM  - StormSuiteTM  - StormDeskTM
"Touching Lives Through Technology"


This Photo was taken by Greg Darby, founder of Christian Interactive Network, at their secure website hosting complex in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. There are no Orbs in this photograph. The camera is working properly.
These two photographs were taken seconds apart, after the company devotional time. Notice the Orbs are visible only in the second photo.
Greg and Karen Darby of Fort Lauderdale , Florida founded the Christian Interactive Network, a 501c3 non-profit organization established in 1992, for the purpose of providing a secure website hosting Server, for God's data and ministries.  CIN was one the first website Server, provided for Christian ministries, which refused to host lucrative pornography websites.  Virtually all other website Servers carry pornographic sites, along with Christian websites.  CIN was created to protect God's people and the Gospel from the digital warfare faced today.
God directed Max and Sherry Greiner to Greg Darby and CIN in February of 1996.  CIN has hosted the Greiner website and provided excellent service to them ever since.  The Greiners give CIN their highest recommendation.  Contact Greg at: for more information on all the website services they provide Christian ministries.

Birthday Party Orb!

From: Martha Danielson
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7:21 PM
Subject: This is Martha Danielson, I have an Angel Orb picture... maybe?


I have an Angel Orb picture, Maybe.  This is a picture taken of me and two of my best friends at a birthday party.   It's really goofy, but I think it has an Orb in it!   Is this a light or and Angel Orb... or do you know??  It is funny, because this picture was taken about 4 months ago, before we knew about the Orbs in our Church!

Response from Max Greiner, Jr.

From: Max Greiner, Jr.
To: Martha Danielson
Cc: David Danielson
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 10:15 AM
Subject: Fw: This is Martha Danielson, I have an Angel Orb picture... maybe?

Dear Martha,

Yes!  Yes, you have a photo of a real Angelic Being in your picture!  Save that picture in your scrapbook or Bible!  It is the real deal!

God loves a party!  You will remember that Jesus worked His first miracle at a party.  He is a fun God, and loves playing with His children!

Can I use your photograph on our website?   We are adding more photos of the Orbs on our website and will be doing a whole section showing the photos taken by other Christians.

Did you ask God to put an Angel Orb in your picture, or did it just show up?

God bless you and have a wonderful CHRISTmas!  We love your family!

In Jesus,


Max Greiner, Jr. Designs

Martha Danielson (left) is the daughter of David and Cindy Danielson. David is the Pastor of Impact Christian Fellowship in Kerrville, Texas. This is the church where Max and Sherry Greiner worship. The entire Danielson family follows Jesus Christ and loves to experience the Holy Spirit. To learn more about this dynamic church, visit the website:
Click here to see more "Supernatural" Orbs that were photographed by other "Born-Again" Christians.





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