Supernatural Orbs
"Born-Again" Christians

Jean Harder Orbs

The following letter is from a Christian youth group leader, Jean Harder, who has been experiencing and photographing the Angelic Orbs.  Her letter and Max's response is written below.  One of the two images Jean sent the Artist appeared to have the face of a lion in it.  Jean did not know, but several months before she contacted the Artist, the Holy Spirit had given him a design for a "Lion of Judah" logo, which the Artist copyrighted.  Max's logo design is presented here, along with the Harder photo, so the remarkable similarity can be compared.  God is amazing!

In January of 2007, Christian youth leader, Jean Harder emailed Max two photographs of Angelic Orbs. One of the Orb images appeared to have the head of a lion in the center. Ironically, The Holy Spirit had given Max a logo design for the "Lion of Judah"™ in July of 2006, and called the Artist to create a monumental bronze sculpture of a full size lion. The similarity to Max's design is amazing. The head of a lion was one of the four faces the Jewish Prophet Ezekiel described inside the Angelic Orbs. (Ezk 1:10).

---- Original Message -----

Sent: Sunday, January 7, 2007 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: Angel Orbs


I am a "born again" believer in Jesus Christ and a youth group leader. I too have been experiencing the presence of strange balls of light appearing in my digital photographs. At first, they only appeared when I was in a worship service, then one "orb" in particular started to follow me where ever I went, showing up on other people's cameras when they took pictures of me.

I searched the internet for months to try and find a reason for this phenomena. all of the sites I found were either New Age or paranormal or "ghost" sightings. I became concerned, but not frightened, because from the beginning the Holy Spirit has led me to believe what I was experiencing was supernatural and was from God.

So when I found your web site today (after praying to God and feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit) it was a confirmation from the Lord Jesus to me and I wanted to thank you for being bold enough to state your belief on line.

I have attached 2 photos for you to look at. These are two different orbs taken by two different cameras.  I have a whole photo album full but never knew who to share the pictures with. Please respond so I know that you have received the photos.

May God bless you and your family in your ministry.

Jean Harder 

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Monday, January 8, 2007 9:21 PM
Subject: Re: Angel Orbs

Dear Jean, 

Thanks for your kind email.  I am really glad the Holy Spirit directed you to my website today, and that my essay on the "Angelic Orbs" was helpful to you.  Very soon the entire Christian church will have these Orbs showing up in their photographs.  A lot of people will be forced to adjust their theology, when it comes to God's miracles, signs and wonders!

God continues to reveal Himself to those who have "eyes to see."   You must be one!  You are very special to God.

We are in the "last days".  God is revealing amazing things to the world in our generation.  If you have time, read about the Shekinah Glory Dust manifestation that we have been experiencing everyday, since March 7, 1999.  It is hard to be a "luke warm" Christian, when the Holy Spirit is manifesting His presence in so many amazing ways.

Thanks again for sharing your story briefly with me.  God bless you in your hunger for more of God!  And remember, as you witness about this miracle to others, always point people to Jesus.  Use their curiosity in the supernatural to win them to Christ!


Max Greiner, Jr. Designs

Click here to see more "Supernatural" Orbs that were photographed by other "Born-Again" Christians.




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