Supernatural Orbs
"Born-Again" Christians

Conference Orbs

----- Original Message -----

 Wednesday, January 17, 2007 1:45 AM

 angelic orbs?


I found your website about Angelic Orbs.  We just had a conference recently, and many people had told they had felt arms being put around them, there were healings and the presence of God was truly manifested.

We were looking at our photos, and these bubbles are everywhere.  We have over 20 photos taken over 2 days in 2 different locations with 2 different cameras.  This is the 2nd time this has happened to us as we are having a conference.  In other photos, where no worship is involved, there are no "bubbles" present.

I'd really love to hear your comments on these photos.  You seem to know what you are talking about!



----- Original Message -----

From: Max Greiner, Jr.
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 9:38 PM
Subject: angelic orbs?

Dear Iain,

Thank you for your email and photographs of the Orbs as you worshiped God.  I glad my website was helpful to you.

Your photos appear to show the real Angelic Orbs in them.

Would you allow me to post your letter and photos on our website, with other testimonies from followers of Jesus Christ?

God bless you in your service to Jesus Christ.

In His name,


Max Greiner, Jr. Designs



Click on image above to enlarge.

Conference Orbs

---- Original Message -----

From: Dian Yonkman
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 5:15 PM
Subject: Emailing: soldiers_chapel_protestant_services_12-10_029
This photo is from the Fort Benning, GA Chapel website. This was Dec. 10, 2006. There are many other photos with "Orbs" in them on this site. I found it interesting that some are present in one of the Jewish service as well. Here is the link  click on Services then select by dates, etc. There are some on the featured photo on the home page also. (easier to see if enlarged)

Blessings, Dian

----- Original Message -----
From: Max Greiner, Jr.
To: Dian Yonkman
Subject: Military Orbs
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2007 16:36:15 -0600

Hi Dian,

Thanks for your email note and photo.  The Angels of the Lord are encamped around you!  Praise God.

Can I put your email and photo on our Christian website?  We will be adding more photos and stories to the site in the future.  We just posted a bunch of great close-up photos of the Orbs.  Send me some of more good Orb photos, if you can.

I thank God for your service to our country, and our King, Jesus.  We are engaged in a battle with a demonized enemy.  Our God destroys the works of the devil!

I pray the power and protection of the blood of Jesus be over you!  AMEN.

In the name of Jesus,

Max Greiner, Jr. Designs

Click on image above to enlarge.


Angel Orbs Over My Soldier

---- Original Message -----
From: Sandra Rehberg
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 9:45 PM
Subject: angel orbs over my soldier

Dear Max and Sherry,

I really enjoyed your website and the pictures of the angel orbs in your church.

My youngest son, Sgt. Blake Buchanan, has been home from Iraq a little over a year. He spent most of that year in Remade, which is still one of the most dangerous cities in Iraq. When Blake left for over seas on Christmas of 2004, I prayed that the Lord protect him with his angels 24/7. During Blake’s time over there, he took many pictures and sent them home for me to develop.

I developed the pictures right away and at first did not see that the Lord answered my prayers. Things in Iraq were getting really bad on the news and I was so worried that I wasn't sleeping very much. Then the Lord directed me to look at those photographs again, and to my surprise I saw them right away. There were Angel Orbs all over Blake wherever he went in Iraq. So I now have many pictures of Angels in Iraq.

As soon as I realized this, I emailed him in Iraq, and told him not to worry; that the Lord’s got him covered, and is protecting him with His Angels. He thought that was really awesome! And it made his rest of his tour of duty a lot more bearable for me.

The Lord hasn't stopped watching over Blake, even since he’s returned home, because many pictures taken of Blake still have the Angel Orbs on him. When I see that, I just laugh and thank the Lord that He keeps on covering him.

I am Sandy Rehberg and we live in Pleasant Prairie, WI, which is near the Illinois boarder. I have been a hairstylist for 28 years and 10 years ago the Lord made it possible for me to open up my own salon at which time I was a single mother with two sons. I named the salon Sandra’s Styling Studio and the Lord has a wonderful sense of humor He told me to give the business the tagline of "Shear Salvation”. I laughed when he gave that to me, but it sure has brought in some interesting people over the last ten years.

Well that’s all for now. I ordered your catalogue so I'm sure that I will be placing an order.

Many blessings to you both,


Click here to see more "Supernatural" Orbs that were photographed by other "Born-Again" Christians.





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