"Chosen Vessels"

PROPHECY TITLE: “Chosen Vessels”


RECEPIENTS: Max Greiner, Jr. (Age 42) & Sherry Greiner (Age 41)

DATE GIVEN: April 30, 1994

LOCATION: Private Home in Kerrville, Texas


David: “The best is yet to come. I’ve found the Lord always saves the best for last. Somebody said I don’t believe it, but that’s why you haven’t tasted the best wine. But I believe it, because I keep seeing, you know the Lord saves the best for last, Hallelujah. What is your name?”

Max: “Max”

David: “Max, praise the Lord, Glad to meet you.”

Max: “This is Sherry.”

David: “Sherry, bless the Lord, bless the Lord. Join right together here. Halleluiah, wonderful, wonderful.

The Lord says sometimes the fiery darts are thrown your way. You know, they are a bit of a concern but, the Lord says He has been causing your shield of faith to be polished up, and shined up, and it reflects the light of God’s glory! It reflects! And the Lord says, He’s bringing you to a place of greater faith. He’s bringing you to a greater place of trust and confidence in the Lord your God.

And, the Lord says your going to be seeing many enemies (demons/people?) be scattered. You are going to be rejoicing because you are going to know the Lord is going to have you pray for many people, and encourage many people. Yes, the two of you. One shall put a thousand to flight, but two, ten thousand!”

(Since receiving the Baptism of the Holy spirit in July of 1989, the Greiners had by that time already ministered individually to hundreds of people.)

“The Lord says, He has knitted you together. And, I see some opposition came when the two of you first met each other, and first began to look at each other, the opposition began. And, when the time came, your hearts were drawn to each other, and you were talking about being joined together. All of a sudden some darts were hurled your way. I just see some opposition here and there.

Now, the Lord says rejoice because now blessings are being hurled from you, back to some of those, Halleluiah, that have done some of things they have done, even spoke against you, and against your relationship; in the name of Jesus. Bless the Lord, Bless the Lord. Thank you Father, thank you Father, thank you Jesus, Halleluiah!

The Lord says He’s going to prosper your hands. He’s going to cause you to begin to come into some new areas of faith and finances. And, you’re going to come into a place of grater liberty, so you won’t always be wondering where’s the next finances, how shall they come, how shall you be able to pay the bills and things?

(All that week, unknown to Max, Sherry had been asking God if they always would be wondering how their next financial needs would be met.)

And the Lord says, He’s moving you more and more into faith and finances. He’s been weaning you away from the natural, and looking at things with your own understanding. So there’s been some frustration sometimes. Sometimes just slam a cabinet door, and say “What’s going on around here?” And just pray, I’m going for a walk, I’m going to pray. I just see you running out the door, sometime back. But, now the Lord’s really been drawing both of you, causing you to turn aside. He is weaning you from the world’s economy. He is weaning you from the natural understanding, and bringing you more into spiritual understanding. That’s because God has truly called both of you to serve Him, Halleluiah, to minister, to speak the Word of God, to pray over people. Halleluiah.

The Lord says, I’m going to turn up the anointing, and the fire of the Holy Ghost. And, I’m going to bring in the provision, and know this, that you’ll say this, “My God is my supply! God shall supply all of my needs according to his riches and glory, by Jesus Christ. He shall! And I shall not put my trust in men providing anything. But, I’ll just do what God tells me to do, and the Lord will do the rest!” Halleluiah!

He’s going to be releasing both of you into greater places of liberty and freedom, such as you has never been in before. And, the two of you shall be released by the Lord. And I see you moving. I mean I see you traveling. You’re not able to stand still, because the anointing of the evangelist is burning inside your bones. And, that anointing, and desire for souls be saved has been increasing and increasing, increasing, increasing! And, you just can’t get away from it! Halleluiah! Congratulations! Bless the Lord, Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus. Halleluiah!”

(Since January of 1994, Max had spent almost 36 days, traveling around the country, showing the “Divine Servant”® art, sharing their testimony, and praying for people. Through the power of God, people were saved baptized, healed, and delivered. The term “anointing of the evangelist” was a confirmation of an earlier “word” given to Max privately by God on July 30, 1992 while heading to San Antonio from Kerrville. Twice God had spoken into Max’s heart “You are an evangelist,” but Max had not shared this “word of knowledge” with anyone except Sherry.)

“When men have rejected you, and religious men ridiculed you at times, you know in the past, in the past number of years, so what good can come out of this? Well, the Lord has chosen you, and called you, that He would receive the glory and the credit, the Lord Christ Jesus. Halleluiah!”

(Max and Sherry have taken much criticism and ridicule from various respected religious people, who didn’t believe God still worked miracles, or manifests the “Gifts of the Holy Spirit” (1 Cor 12) through believers anymore.)

And, you shall be a great encouragement too. “You have great faith!” You have great faith! You have great faith. Sometimes, you know there has been a little friction and things have been a little tight, and you wonder what’s happening. But, now you know in your heart that God is in this thing, because He’s been doing miracles, in the area of provision, and food sometimes, and sometimes clothing. God has been doing miracles! And sometimes, He’s doing it so you will know He is your provider, and God is not going to leave you stranded. He’s not going to just birth your faith, and not bring it to completion. He’s going to bring you through to completion! He’s going to bring you through to completion! Halleluiah!

The Lord says, He’s going to line you up in the ranks of the other men and women of God. You’ll be right in there, just moving strong and speaking the word of God, praying over the captives (sick and demonized people) and the captives shall be set free! And, those that have heavy burdens. The Lord has put quite a heavy anointing upon you!

The Lord says, the heavy burdens that people have, you know the heaviness, The Lord says, you’ll just speak the Word of faith. And, you see, the garment of praise will be given unto them, and the spirit of heaviness will break off of people’s lives. And, the garment of praise shall be given unto them. And, the Lord says, you’ll know the Lord is moving when you see the tears turned into laughter. Halleluiah.” (This had happened to the Greiners the first time they had ministered deliverance and healing to a lady who had been sexually abused.)

(At this point David places his hand on Sherry’s head)

You’ll see people weeping and crying because the Lord is also bringing a healing inside of your heart. There’s a healing inside of you also. The Lord says He would be with you. And, He would heal you, and even go way back to when you were a child also. And, sometimes just wanting affection, and reaching out for love. And, the Lord says that you were hurt also, many years ago when you were very young, seven or eight, or right in there. And, the Lord says He is bringing a healing in your heart, right in this evening in the name of Jesus bringing in a healing, Halleluiah!

(This “word “clearly addressed some of the pain and rejection Sherry had experienced as a child. David then moves his hand from Sherry’s head, and touches Max and Sherry together. (Sherry at the time was struggling with anorexia and depression)

“Now I see you in a place. I see land somewhere and a little pond, and a duck or a swan, or something like that, a swan. And there you’ll be praying, just talking to the Lord.”

(This described the Greiner property in the Texas Hill Country, which they purchased in the early eighties, with the dream to someday build a home and a studio. Part of the dream was to dam up the small stream in the canyon to form a small pond, or lake.”)

“And the Lord will be showing you how He was intervening in your life, at many different times when you didn’t believe it. And, then the Lord is going to show you He was there. Halleluiah!”

(David then moves his hand back to Sherry’s head.)

“And when you were hurt, when you were very little, when you were taken advantage of, the enemy came in and tried to destroy your heart, because there is a call of God upon your life (Sherry). The enemy could see the Lord was going to do great things with you.

Many sisters are going to receive a lot of healing through your love and prayers. Yes, yes, yes. In the name of Jesus!”

(At these “words,” Sherry gasps and breaks into tears, as God answers her “fleece” and confirms His words by mentioning her sister, and the ministering she had done only one hour earlier to her sister Joyce.)

“In the name of Jesus, yes, yes. That’s some of the areas where there was lots of attack, in the family, in the sisters.

Now the Lord says "I’m bringing in a Holy company of sisters (New Christian lady friends( like Judy Carpenter, Becky Jons,….) into your life."

You’ll have new sisters, and old sisters. And out of your heart shall come treasures both old and new. And you’ll bring forth memories concerning them, for they shall become like the new sisters in the name of Jesus. Halleluiah!

And, you’re going to be seeing the Lord move among them, In Jesus’ name. The Lord says it’s that hearts desire to see their lives turned around, and see salvation, and it goes right along with the evangelistic thrust, and see that evangelistic anointing. (David then moves his hand back to Max.)

“And some of the people, I’ve heard just call you crazy, call you two crazy, looney, fanatics, weirdos and things along those lines! And the Lord says well done, thy good and faithful servants! Well done! Thank you Jesus! And, the Lord will receive the glory, and the credit, and the honor! Amen, Halleluiah! Bless the Lord.”

(Some of the Greiner’s old friends and family members had expressed those exact reactions, after hearing the miracle testimony of Max and Sherry.)

“Don’t let anybody try to talk you out of your heritage, and God’s heritage! Don’t let them tell you shouldn’t even having more children in the great tribulation period. Woe unto those who give suck in those days, and go up into the mountains, and so on, because God has a place for everybody. Amen! And, they’re His inheritance. Bless the Lord!

And you’ll have more than enough finances for everything! Amen! In Jesus’ name, Bless the Lord! Bless the Lord!”


On April 30, 1994 the preceding prophecy was given to Max and Sherry Greiner by a total stranger. David Gardiner gave this prophecy at the home of Allison Morris, where a group of 25 to 30 Christians gathered informally to worship God. Ironically, the Greiners had not committed to attend this meeting, since Max had just arrived home after an exhaustive travel schedule. The day before he had shared testimony with the faculty and the graduating students during the 1994 commencement service of the Dallas Theological Seminary, where one of his life size “Divine Servant”® bronze sculptures was permanent placed. Prior to this function, Max had spent five days in College Station Texas, where he had been asked to pray, and share testimony at a national pastor’s conference held at Aldersgate Methodist Church. Max ministered and displayed the life size “Divine Servant” ®, at the request of the pastor, Dr. Terry Tekyl.

An hour before Max and Sherry were to leave for the meeting, Sherry received an emotional long distance call from her older sister, Joyce. Joyce, was a resident of Washington state, who lived alone. Her dog, a companion of many years had just died. Sherry ministered love to Joyce and prayed with her over the telephone. During the drive to hear David Gardiner speak, Sherry silently prayed and asked God to confirm the validity of any prophecy they might receive, by having him mention her sister. Max had no idea, Sherry had put out a “fleece” to judge the authenticity of any prophesy they might receive.

The Greiners arrived late and did not have the time to meet David Gardiner, the guest speaker.

Ironically, two of the first people David called up to receive a prophesy were well known to the Greiners. As David accurately spoke to unknown, personal prayer concerns in their lives. Max knew this since he had ministered to them before.

Then David called Max and Sherry to come forward for prayer. He began praying in the spirit, and laying his hands on the Greiners’ heads. The preceding prophecy previous came forth.

The Greiners and everyone in attendance that night were amazed at the accuracy of David Gardiners personal prophecy over the Greiners. All of David’s predictions have come true in the lives of the Greiners in the following year.

That night, Max and Sherry Greiner were convinced that the spiritual gift of prophecy (1 Cor. 12) was alive and well in the “Body of Christ”!

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