Greiner Studio/Home/Ranch
Greiner Studio/Home/Ranch


Glory Dust Prayer Closet

During 1999, the Greiners were finishing the construction and interiors of their new, passive solar, earth sheltered home/studio, which Max designed.  One of the most unique rooms in this very creative home is the downstairs bathroom, which originally functioned as Max’s “Prayer Closet”, prior to its completion in the year 2,000.

Architecturally, the room is very unique.  The floor was hand made by Max.  It is stained concrete with patterns of plants, native to the Kerrville area, subtly silhouetted in the subtle pattern on the tan and red brown tile sections.  The back wall of the bathroom, above the tub and shower, features a mosaic design
of Max’s copyrighted and trademarked “Christian Butterfly” ® design.  This unique design depicts the Ichthus Christian fish symbol, with butterfly wings.  The bathroom walls have murals of oak tree limbs made from ¼” thick cedar medallions, cut from the Juniper (cedar) trees on the Greiner ranch.  These round wooden disks are laid out in the shape of tree branches.

The shower curtain rod and towel racks are also made from cedar trees from the ranch, placed in a functional, yet free-form design.  Even the toilet paper holder and the handles of the water faucets feature unique cedar elements.  The vanity cabinet is also custom built, using both thick and thin vertical cedar wood elements, making the entire bathroom a very unusual room. 

However, even though the architectural details of this bathroom are very unique, it is best known as the place where God first manifested His visible, golden “Glory Dust” to the Greiners.  It is a “holy ground” to them, and all who visit this little room.  This visible glory of God has manifested everyday in this room every day since it first appeared on March 7, 1999.

Click on the images to enlarge.



Click here to learn more about the "Shekinah Glory Dust Miracle" and the Texas A&M University scientific analysis.

Click here to learn how this miracle first began in "Greiner Family Miracles" in the "Glory Dust Prayer Closet" (3/7/99)

Click here to return to the "Greiner Home/Studio/Ranch" Virtual Tour Introduction Page.




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