Miracles - Community Bible Church Letters

On November 5, 2005 more than 125 ladies from the Community Bible Church of San Antonio, Texas toured the Greiner studio, home and ranch.  The Holy Spirit gave them more than they expected.  He gave them a supernatural, “intimate encounter”, as stated clearly in the following letters. 

“They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.”  Revelation 12: 11


Dearest Max & Sherry,

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you so much for having us out to your home.  Your have been such a blessing to me and so many women on Saturday.  I want you to know the best part of our visit for me was your countenance – your spirit.  Such a love for the Lord – I wish I would/could have.  I could clearly see that you live your faith.  Thank you for praying over us and blessing us and healing us!  We were all blessed through you!  The best part was the Golden Glitter!  As we were caravanning towards your ranch, I was wondering – why God wanted a bunch of women to drive out in the country to someone’s ranch to see some life-size bronze sculptures… NOW I KNOW – It was to experience HIM! My prayer is that our Lord continues to bless you – so that you may continue to bless others!  Thank you again,

Mary Lou Kubena


Sweet Max & Beautiful Sherry,

Thank you for the greatest experience of my life – so far! After we returned, a good friend of mine was talking about how much she wanted to go.  She always wears a bunch of silver jewelry but today she really wanted to wear GOLD!  I told her what you taught me today, Max…. Love & blessings to both of you,

Todd & Kaci Thomas


Dear Max & Sherry,

What can we say but thank you for opening your home and sharing the wonderful blessings that God has bestowed upon your lives. In has been an honor to fellowship upon the rock that your house has been built on. I will never forget the beautiful and awesome experience of witnessing God’s Shekinah Glory upon my life.  I pray that the Lord continue blessing you in your ministry, testimony, extensive ideas for your sculpting, health and love for Him! God bless you,

Betty Reyes


Dear Max & Sherry,

What started out as a simple side trip for a few ladies to see God’s works of art turned out to be a Special Blessing sent to us from our awesome God.  The Lord always knows how to top off our retreat with not only sharing your home but your art, what a blessing.

I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit all around me while I was there.  The funny thing is I was having neck pain but was so busy praying for the girl next to me, I forgot to ask for myself, but last night, as the night progressed the pain that I usually have (from a car wreak I had) was not there... I thank you and your wife for having us at your home. Love & blessing,




Praise God!  He has anointed you.  I was so blessed by the experience at your ranch.  You made us feel like God had built the place just for us.  I have a new perspective on God.  I wonder if the streets of gold are paved with Shekinah Glory?  It is one thing to see lives changed and people being ministered to because of your surrender to God’s will.  But, to physically witness God radiating through us – WOW!  God bless you! Your sister,

Kelly Moeller


Max & Sherry,

Words cannot begin to describe the awesome experience and the true encounter that I experienced on God’s and your mountain.  Thank you so much for sharing your home, hospitality and ministry with our group and myself.  You have so much to share and can touch so many lives with your awesome gifts; not only in your art, but also in the words and prayers you share.  I know God has wonderful plans for both of you.  As I the Jabez prayer: “Lord expand my territories.” Thank you once again.  My prayers will be with you both in your ministry, and if the Lord’s will, be able to see you again.  In His service,

Debi Alderson


Dear Max & Sherry,

I want to thank you for the awesome afternoon.  I left my workbook study because I was sick and the girls said go home today.  I laid down for an hour, skipped lunch, went out for a 7- Up, and they were lining up to go to your ranch today, and decided to join in.  I drove myself just in case I needed to leave early.  I was so thankful for your prayer today because you offered for anyone feeling ill, diseased or whatever the need is.  That was awesome.  I am glad I went, because I got a miracle.  It was totally a God thing.  I had to share my wonderful experience.  Thank you for having all of us visit and your wonderful prayers!  God bless you!

Robin Cordy


To the Greiners,

When we understood that we could visit your ranch I don’t think we could have known what a blessing it would be.  Your love of the Lord is so palpable, so forthcoming.  I have been so blessed with your love for God.  Your strong faith in all that God will do, in all our lives, if we let him, was not understood until today.  You are truly God’s servant and I feel so blessed that I could meet you and share this time with you. Thank you for having us.  We all won’t forget you both. I was truly in the presence of God today at your ranch.  God bless you.

Josephine White


Max & Sherry,

I had the pleasure of coming out to your ranch with our women’s retreat at CBC.  I can’t thank you guys enough for sharing your wonderful spirit, not only with me, but also with all the believers and non-believers that came out.  I truly believe you are both anointed with our wonderful Father’s Spirit.  I truly felt that I was on “Holy Ground” while at your house.  I see how easy it could be to get closer to God everyday when you get to wake up to the beauty He has painted for you in your own front, back and side yards.  I sincerely thank you.  God bless,

Amy Alexander


Max & Sherry,

Thank you so very much for opening you home and studio to us today.  God used you to show Himself to so many.  His Spirit was heavy upon my heart.  I love the Hill Country.  I was born in Kerrville but never lived there.  I so feel God’s presence when I am able to get away and visit the Hill Country.  God has so blessed you with a talent that reveals who He is to people. Your home and your testimony as to which God is, and how He works in your life, touches people in their soul.  I pray god will move you to have more people come to your home, to be touched by God. I will treasure the “Shekinah Glory” that fell on me today.  God is awesome and He showed Himself in a special way today to those He placed there.  Thank you again for your obedience to God’s call on your life.

Linda Moyhahan


Dear Max & Sherry,

Thank you so much for opening up your home and lives to us.  I was not expecting what I experienced there.  I have been a Christian since I was a teenager, but over the past year my spiritual life has taken a back seat to life.  I was going to church every Sunday, but wasn’t having my quite time with the Lord and I was trying to handle everything myself.  This weekend has helped me get my priorities back in the right order. The experience I had at your place was a big part of that.  Thank you,



Dear Max,

You and your wife truly are blessed.  We also are so blessed to have met you and experienced what we did today.  Please accept this gratitude.  Not only did your place bring me back to my childhood, but also it brought me closer to God… Living in San Antonio is such a crazy world.  I realized that I miss God’s land and the peace of living alone with Him in such a quiet, spiritual place.  Several people noticed that when you prayed, the wind picked up and you could feel the Holy Spirit blow through you.  Thank you for an out of this world experience.  With sincere respect,

Julie Salos


Dear Max & Sherry,

Wow! What else can I say?  Thank you both for you very kind hospitality, first you letting us come out to visit your beautiful home and spectacular property.  Wow.  Since I live in San Antonio , I do not often enough get to renew myself with nature.  What a true pleasure it was to visit your home today.  Second, the introduction to another one of God’s many graces, the “Shekinah Glory”, Wow, Wow, Wow!  Third, laying on of hands and praying over you and Sherry was a joy.  Thank you for the opportunity.  Having you, Max, pray over all of us was an inspiring moment in time.  The Holy Spirit was with us!  What a joy!  Praise Jesus for your ministry.  Fourth, opening your shop to us and signing the pieces (of art), which I bought, was very kind of you.  Meeting you today was such an awesome experience for me.  Many Wow moments.  I give thanks to the Lord for that today.  I will keep you in prayer.  Again, I would like to express my deep gratitude for today’s many joyful experiences.  Your sister in Christ,

Diane Rouse


Dear Max & Sherry,

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, for allowing me the honor to visit your ranch.  I looked at both of you, and how you looked at each other, as you spoke about your home and how it came to about.  It is awesome to see a couple serving the Lord!  It encouraged me, that as I fight with only the Lord’s strength, to fight for my husband’s salvation.  Thank you Max and Sherry, for praying with me individually for my husband.  It touched my heart when I saw the plaque in your home that stated Isaiah 61: 1- 2.  I know with all my heart that I was born to serve the Lord.  I know that I was in this group by divine appointment.  I will keep you in my prayers.  And, one day, in the name of Jesus, I will notify you of my husband’s salvation.  You might even hear me screaming and yelling from my rooftop in San Antonio !  May the Lord bless you in all that you do.  You will never totally imagine how the experience at your home affected all of us. Thank you and God bless you beyond measure!!!  Your sister in Christ,

Name withheld here for privacy


Max & Sherry,

What an incredible experience yesterday was.  I really don’t think there are words that can describe the few hours we spent at your ranch.  Thank you for sharing your retreat with us.  You are both so gracious and welcoming to so many women.  Thank you for praying over our group; there were so many lives changed and touched.  For me personally, I was able to let go of some past hurts and the bitterness that had grown out of those hurts.  From the very moment Satan tries to take me back there, I have committed to remember the stone cross in the ground (at the Prayer Patio), and what was done at that place!  Your home, land, and artwork are beautiful.  Thank you again for sharing your life with us! Blessings!



Dear Max & Sherry,

Words cannot express my thanks or my experience there at your home.  You both truly have a gift from God.  Your love for Him glows over your entire place.  What a wonderful love!  I pray that God will use you to touch the lives of many, through your beautiful art and your anointed words.  Thank you so much for opening your lovely home and tender hearts to the ladies from Community Bible Church in San Antonio .  My time there will forever be burned on my heart and mind, and I thank you for that.  In His love & mine,

Vicki Marquez


Dear Max & Sherry,

What a blessing to see your artwork this past weekend.  Thank you for letting us all comes to visit.  Thank you for being such willing servants to the Lord and for praying over us.  This is what happened to me: I have had a long-term family genetic back pain under my shoulder blade.  It’s a nagging pain that I have learned to tolerate.  On Saturday you prayed for muscle and bones.  I raised my hand to claim that healing.  The pain from my back and down my legs immediately left!  Praise the Lord, He has healed my body.  All the praise and glory be to Jesus Christ.  But, thank you for being willing to pray over us and for being willing to allow us to visit your ranch and see your artwork. The Lord bless you richly,

Malesa Smyth


Dear Max & Sherry,

Thank you so much for allowing us to come to your ranch and opening your ranch and opening your home.  What a blessing to us.  Sharing a part of Mt Sinai with us and a little of heaven, was heavenly.  God is using you and your ministry.  Thank you for saying, “yes” to God Saturday afternoon. I will never forget my experience at this ranch.  I know you are just His keepers – but thank you for letting Him shine through you.   In Him,

Rosemary Mathis


I just wanted to thank you for the unexplainable experience we had on your ranch yesterday.  There really are no words for what I felt there, I heard someone say it was like being on Holy Ground.  Which I think is a very accurate description.  What an awesome feeling it must be to know you are in such close company with God, and He is so easily able to communicate to others though you.  What a blessed life you lead.  Thank you for offering up your home and time for us, it will be an experience I will never forget. Thank you again so much, God bless and keep you safe,

Staci Pierce


Max & Sherry,

I just wanted to thank y’all so much for having us out on your ranch.  It was an amazing experience.  I am a new Christian still searching and the whole experience has reaffirmed me.  It was my divine moment!  I just wanted to send a note of special thanks to you and your wife for your gracious hospitality.  It is an experience I will never forget! Thank you and God bless y’all.

Monica Crawford


My dearest Max & Sherry,

I had the honor of coming to your ranch this past weekend with the ladies from Community Bible Church .  I will never be the same again.  I experienced something I’ve never experienced in my life, complete joy and utter surrender to the Lord.  I had the privilege of sitting next to Max as he prayed for all of us ladies.  He ever so gently laid his hand on my shoulder and started to pray.  The first thing he prayed for was all the lost husbands and as he said this my whole world collapsed.  You see, my husband proclaims to be an atheist, but after 14 years of marriage and countless hours of praying, he actually attended a Bible study last Thursday with me.  This was absolutely monumental, and after Max’s prayer I feel that he actually does believe, he just hasn’t professed it yet.  You also prayed for us that were in financial bondage and that was me you were praying for also.  So many times when you prayed for something specific, you were talking to me.  I believe you are living on Holy Ground and wonder if you ever considered opening up that portion of your property to the public?  I believe countless lives would be surrendered to the Lord, and so many lives saved on that site.  I continue to pray for you and Sherry and everything she copes with on a daily basis.  I just wanted to thank you for opening your home to us and for blessing us with your prayers that were right on.  I have told anyone and everyone who would listen about this truly amazing place and more importantly, the “Shekinah Glory” that rained down on us that day.  Again thank you for your great hospitality and your incredible love and dedication to the Lord.  Prayerfully yours,

Name withheld here for privacy


Mr. Greiner,

I am not even sure where to begin.  Thank you isn’t enough.  I was at the Women’s Retreat with Martha this past weekend, and because of the number of women that were traveling out to your ranch, I decided not to go.  When the ladies started returning, I started hearing amazing stories about what they saw and experienced.  My heart sank.  I told myself that I was where God wanted me to be, and that it would be all right.  Then, I started hearing more stories of people’s experiences on Monday at work.  (I work at CBC) I thought to myself, when I get some quite time, I am going to pray about this.  Monday came and went.  I prayed but didn’t feel like it was the right moment to ask for such a blessing.  Yesterday, as I was driving to go vote, I got a call with some not-so-good news about some financial decisions I was obedient about.  I started to pray and was very emotional, so I pulled into the Home Depot parking lot.   I thought, okay, I am going to do this.  I looked at my hands, front and back, and there was no sparkle, no gold, and no glitter.  I closed my hands and began to pray that I could experience God in this way.  After I prayed, I opened my eyes and hands and couldn’t believe what I saw!  My hands had fine sparkle dust all over the palms!  To say the least, I was overwhelmed with emotion!  I didn’t want to touch anything.  It was amazing!  Thank you beyond words for opening your home to our group and for allowing such an experience to manifest.  I pray that someday I will get the chance to visit your beautiful ranch and to meet you and your family.  Shining in His light,

Brenda Jaire


Dear Max & Sherry,

There are no words to describe the time I had with God at your place.  I have told everyone that prayed for us that weekend and anyone else that came along.  … Thank you both for your warm loving arms of Jesus.  In Christ Alone,

Nancy Campos


Hello Max & Sherry!

I just wanted to thank you both for opening your home to us!  I am so thankful for the opportunity to be apart of the wonderful things God is doing!  I couldn’t believe my eyes when the “glitter” appeared on all of us.  What a faith lift.  I was telling my husband about this amazing experience and I told him that it wasn’t the ranch that made God’s glory appear, it was how God is so welcome there.  I realized that I need to daily welcome God into every aspect of my life, and not to hide any part from Him.  As we were discussing this, the glitter began to appear on both of our hands.  We were both in awe of God’s greatness!  The glitter also appeared as I was praying tonight.  I don’t know how long this will last, but I am thankful that God has chosen to reveal Himself to me in this way.  I don’t need glitter as proof of my God, but it is a miraculous sign.  I love looking at my hands and being reminded that God dwells within me!  Thank you so much for being a vessel of God’s good and perfect work!

Mrs. Jeremiah Campbell


Dear Max & Sherry,

What an awesome God we serve… I am already praying about our retreat next year.  I do not know where or what the format will look like.  I keep thinking that the only way God could possibly top this year’s retreat would be to rapture us during the next one.  Praying for your family,

Martha Fisher


Max & Sherry,

I am so amazed and overwhelmed with the glory of God today.  Since our Women’s Retreat to Kerrville , and the visit to your ranch (which I missed) a couple of weeks ago, I believe God has laid it upon my heart to seek you out.  I am struggling with several things in my life, including depression.  I am in my early forties, never been married and never had children.  I feel I have nothing to show for my life.  I am normally a happy, bubbly person, but today I was feeling so sad and very down, that I did not want to go to work, and let people see me this way.  Since I received your catalog recently, my mother wanted me to call and place an order for her.  When I did, I spoke with a lady; I think her name was Sue.  She was so pleasant to talk to.  I tried to sound as pleasant as I could, and did not tell her how I was feeling.  However, she reminded me that Satan is always around trying to defeat us.  When I got off the phone, I was inspired.  I decided to look up your website and read about “Becoming Empowered”, and also about the “Glory Dust”.  I prayed the “Prayer of Empowerment” and thanked God, in the name of Jesus for all His blessings.  I then went outside and looked at my hands.  I saw tiny specks of gold and silver!  I gave thanks to God for showing me His glory.  I also used scotch tape to capture some of the specks and placed them in my Bible, next to Isaiah 60.  After that experience, my depression went away and I felt so blessed and happy.  Max and Sherry, I thank God for your obedience to Him.  He is using you in amazing ways to reach out and help others, and bring them to Him.  I am blessed,

Name withheld here for  privacy


Dear Max & Sherry,

I went to the Community Bible Church Women’s Retreat this year… I had prayed Saturday morning that God would move in a supernatural way for me and the other women that attended the retreat this year.  It was a sheer blessing to meet you both, to be able to go to your home and studio (what a privilege), to see the beautiful art and to have you pray for us (thank you).  I have told several people about all the miracles and stories you shared with us (Sherry’s animals, your water well, the gold dust and your amazing, inspiring art).  Your testimony alone has reminded me of God’s power and move in this day, and gives me encouragement and faith for my own life.  I read your documentation about the lab analysis of the golden dust and it is such a phenomenal thing that God does.  It was beyond words to know God manifested Himself that day to us.  I was exciting to see the golden dust on the other women and how we kept getting excited to see it on each other.  Thank you for your prayer, but most of all, glory to God.  … Again, thank you for the blessing and privilege of sharing your life and ministry with us.  I believe God moved in a fabulous way that weekend, and still is.  God bless you and your family,

Peggy Goodwyn-Vidal

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Click here for information on how to experience the miracles and “Empowerment of God.

Click here to learn more about the “Shekinah Glory” miracle, which all the ladies experienced.





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