"The Coming King" ® Sword of the Spirit

On June 8, 1998, the Artist, Max Greiner, Jr. gave a tour of his new studio/home to his friend, pastor/evangelist, Richard Schumann, from Oklahoma.  As the two Christians walked upstairs, Richard suddenly asked, "What's next, the coming king?"  At that exact moment, Max looked downstairs toward his future sculpting area.  In that instant, Max saw a "vision" of a life-size sculpture of Jesus Christ, reared back on a white horse, with a sword raised high in the air. The artist saw that the robe of Jesus was blown back behind him, like a cape!

Stunned by the "vision", which lasted only a few seconds, Max and Richard prayed a few minutes later that God would confirm if this "vision" was indeed a "divine commission".  However, both men at the time sensed in their spirits that the “vision” came from the “Throne Room of God.”

The Holy Spirit later dramatically proved that "The Coming King”® sculpture composition was His idea, through numerous miraculous confirmations, which included Max turning down a $400,000 art commission to obey God!  The amazing details of how God commissioned the sculptor to create this artwork can be found on this website under: "God Inspired Art".  The actual creation process took place over three years, as the artist sculpted at the same time, the monumental 18' life-size sculpture in clay, along with the 1/2 and 1/3 life-sizes.  Each original sculpture was carved individually by Max at Eagle Bronze in Lander, WY during 2000.

"The Coming King"® sculpture composition is replete with scriptural symbolism, which the Holy Spirit revealed to Max, as he obeyed and began to create the artwork.  When it came time to sculpt the raised sword, Max asked for the precise details of the sword design and the Holy Spirit answered his prayer as the artist instantly got a picture in his "mind's eye" of the large, double edged Sword with two leaping lions, representing the "Lion of the Tribe of Judah", as the hand guard. 

The lions were oriented correctly with the blade pointing upward. Max would learn years later that throughout history, the hand guards on swords have by tradition always been oriented so the hand guard design is in its correct position when the blade is down, not up.  However, apparently the Holy Spirit wanted His sword to be different.  God’s ways are not man’s ways!

In the vision, Max also saw that the pommel, or counter weight at the end of the sword handle, was the earth, God’s “footstool.”  In addition, the Christian Ichthus, or "Ichthys" fish symbol was on the blade, pointing upward from the handle.  The letters of this Greek word stand for:  "Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior".  The sword is the raised "Iron Scepter" that represents Christ's authority in the universe.  God’s Word is the "Sword of the Spirit", the spoken Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. (Heb 4:12, Rev 1:16, & Rev 19:15).

In the years since Max created "The Coming King"® sculptures, many people have asked the artist to make his life-size sword as separate sculpture.  Finally, in April of 2009, the first life-size swords were completed and issued as a “Signed and Numbered” edition.  The foundry that creates Max’s sword is the largest manufacturer of swords in the USA and world.  Since 1943, they have made swords for the British military services, the movie industry and the US Marine Corp.  Presidents and kings own their swords. However, in their long,distinguished history they have never made a sword like this one!

"The Coming King"® Sword of the Spirit design that was first featured in Max’s 1999 copyrighted bronze sculpture is now available as a massive, 57” full-size sword.  After the swords are received at the artist’s studio in Kerrville, each one is inspected, after which additional artistic finishes are applied.  Max then signs and numbers each sword and matching Certificate of Authenticity.

In addition, to the 57” steel sword, two exquisite Letter Openers have also been created by the artist.  Both Letter Openers and the large sword feature the words on the blade:  "King of kings, Lord of lords" (Rev 19:16). This phrase, written in Hebrew, is inscribed along the length of the blades.  The artist’s signature is also “signed” in the metal, on the opposite side of the blade.  These symbolic, historically unique, copyrighted and trademarked swords need to be in the hands of Christian warriors, in these “last days” before the return of the Warrior King!

Display Sword (Life-size) 57"

“The Coming King”® Sword of the Spirit is finally available to collectors! In response to numerous requests for a life-size version of the symbolic sword that Max created for his sculpture, “The Coming King” ®, the artist has now created a beautiful, 57” full size, doubled-edged, sword.  It is perfect for “Prayer Warriors” and display at churches, ministries, homes and offices!  This powerful sword symbolizes the “Word of God” and the authority God gives to all believers who wage spiritual warfare, through their prayers. Each beautiful sword is individually signed and numbered by the artist.

The “Sword of the Spirit” has been crafted for Greiner by the largest sword foundry in the USA and world. This company makes swords for the US Marines and most of the Hollywood movies.   Owners of their swords include US Presidents and movie stars.

Even though the fully tempered, high carbon steel “display” sword has a dull, “safety” blade, it is built like genuine fighting swords.  Sword collectors will appreciate the full length steel “tang” that continues from the blade through the beautiful wood grip, to the earth shaped pommel, at the end of the handle. 

This magnificent, sword design was given to Max by the Holy Spirit in 1998, when he had a “vision” of a life-size bronze sculpture of Jesus Christ returning in glory on a white horse.  This exquisite 57”, two-edged sword features the Royal Blue words, “King of Kings, Lord of Lords”, which is acid-etched in Hebrew, along the blade.  The other side of the blade has the artist’s acid-etched signature and his trademarked “Christian Butterfly”® logo. Also, the historic ichthus “fish” symbol is inscribed on both sides of the blade.

The sword’s unique “Lion of Judah”® hand guard features two leaping lions, which were carved by Max.  Also, the image of the “Last Supper” wine challis is depicted between the lions, to symbolize the powerful shed blood of the Savior and warrior King. The cross rises out of this dark red background.  The “pommel” counterweight, at the bottom of the rich wood handle, was carved by Greiner to resemble the earth, which is the “foot stool” of God.

After inspection, Greiner personally signs and numbers each sword, next to the printed his printed signature, like a fine signed and numbered art print. A signed and numbered “Certificate of Authenticity” that is suitable for framing is also included.  In addition, a special magnet is included with each 10 pound sword, so it can be beautifully mounted to a wall or door.  This allows the sword to be safely displayed at any angle, yet it can be removed when necessary. 

This handsome sword is a work of art, a timeless collector’s item and the perfect gift for all true Prayer Warriors!  Plus, we believe that each sword will last until Jesus Christ returns in glory on His white horse!

High Carboned Steel
3" x 11.5" x 57" (10 lbs)
Signed & Numbered Edition
Certificate of Authenticity
Mounting Magnet Involved

# 03713

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Click on the image above to enlarge.


Letter Opener (Large) 8.5"

Plated Zinc Metal
5" x 1.75" x 8.5" (2 oz.)

# 03640

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Each Sword Letter Opener comes gift boxed with a testimony card from the Artist explaining how God gave him "The Coming King"® composition and even the design of the Sword.


      Click on the image above to enlarge.

Letter Opener (Small) 6"

Plated Zinc Metal
1" x 3" x 6" (1 oz.)


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Each Sword Letter Opener comes gift boxed with a testimony card from the Artist explaining how God gave him "The Coming King"® composition and even the design of the Sword.








      Click on the image above to enlarge.





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Copyright © 1996- Max Greiner, Jr. Designs - All Rights Reserved