Greiner Studio/Home/Ranch
Greiner Studio/Home/Ranch


Ranch, Scenery & Wildlife

The Texas Hill Country is known for its abundance of wildlife, exceeded only by Alaska and Africa .  The Greiners live on a beautiful 125.5 acre ranch, about seven miles from the small city of Kerrville .  Starting in 1978, Max and Sherry began to pray for God to give them a beautiful track of land to live out their lives, where Max could experience the solitude and beauty of nature, conducive to creating his art.  They asked for dramatic scenery, beautiful vistas, water, hardwood trees, excellent wildlife habitat, privacy and a southern exposure to the view, ideal for their passive solar, studio/home design. God answered their prayers on July 4, 1981, when the Greiners moved to theirKerrville land.  However, it was 18 more years before they were able build their "dream house" and art studio.  The property has eight "live" springs, which comprise the head waters of a local creek, that runs into theGuadalupe River .  The house is located on a peninsula of land, surrounded on three sides with rugged canyons, filled with Texas oaks, live oaks, shin oaks and juniper (cedar) trees. Sculptural limestone ledges and massive boulders the size of cars make dramatic views to the distant horizon, which is over 15 miles away, from some vantage points.  The property was the home in previous times to the American Indian, including the Tonkawa and Comanche.  The property has been identified by the US Geological Survey as an area where flint was mined by the Indians and traded to other Indians across the continent.  

Native wildlife actually observed on the Greiner ranch includes:  White-tailed deer, Rio Grande wild turkey, bobwhite quail, white-wing doves, road runners, golden eagles, bald eagles, hawks, coyotes, wild hogs, bobcats, gray foxes, raccoons, ringtail cats, porcupines, gray squirrels, ground squirrels, jack rabbits, cottontail rabbits, armadillos, opossums, skunks, with dozens of species of birds and reptiles.  Collared Peccary and mountain lions also live in Kerr county, but haven't been seen yet on the Greiner ranch. 

Free roaming exotic wildlife species seen on the Greiner ranch include aoudad sheep, axis deer, fallow deer, sika deer, and emus birds.

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