The Composition
“The Empty Cross” TM composition uniquely communicates the Resurrection, that Jesus is alive, not dead. Its “hollow” or “empty” design allows light to pass through, symbolizing the “Light of the World”
(John 8: 12), that comes to us through the cross. The openness of the design communicates that all people are welcome at the foot of the cross. This is the “Open Door”all must pass through to find eternal life in Heaven,(Matthew 7: 7 & 8). Finally, the cross also represents the price Jesus paid for each of us, at His Crucifixion.
The Commission
On August 27, 2002, a believer named Marlon Quibodeaux emailed Max, regarding a “vision” God had given him to erect a 77’ 7” tall sculpture of Jesus nailed to the cross, along Interstate 10, near Beaumont, TX. The total stranger found Max on the internet and wanted him to make this giant crucifix, when funds could be raised. In past years, Max has turned down over a million dollars worth of “funded” commissions, because God wanted him to use his creative time in other ways.
However, when Max prayed about this project, to his surprise, God gave him a new cross design, and a “vision”of cars turning off the Interstate highway into a Prayer Garden, rather than just passing by as Marlon had envisioned. Instead of one large cross, the Holy Spirit gave Max a design for a cross shaped Garden, with all of his large Christian sculptures on display. He saw the Scriptures, written in multiple languages, presenting the complete Gospel, in a “Path to Salvation.” Max shared these ideas with Marlon, on September 15, 2002, not realizing at the time this “vision” confirmed the earlier prophecy spoken publicly over Max, on December 9, 2001, by Mahesh Chavda. Mahesh prophesied that Max would rebuild the “Tabernacle of David” using all of the large sculptures created during his lifetime.
The Creation Process
Ultimately, Max was convinced after multiple confirmations, that “The Empty Cross” TM, and Sculpture Garden designs were from God. Therefore, he created drawings and models to communicate these ideas, even though no funding was yet available for the Beaumont project.
Then, on October 21, 2003, Max received a call from James A. Johnson, Vice President of Premier Designs in Dallas, TX, asking him to do a sculpture of a lighthouse, to honor the founders of the Christian owned company. Max and James prayed on the telephone about God’s will for Max, regarding this commission. The Holy Spirit then prompted Max to tell James about his new cross design. James loved the idea and eventually ordered the first large sculpture of “The Empty Cross” TM, for the “Haven of Hope” retreat, north of Dallas, TX
On July 15, 2004, as Eagle Bronze foundry owner, Monte Paddleford erected the first, 22’ 6” tall cross sculpture, two golden eagles suddenly appeared in the sky over the cross, witnessed by everyone. At the same time, Max noticed that tiny golden dust particles were forming on his hands, and on the other people standing around the cross. When Max returned to Kerrville that night he found an email forwarded by Prayer Intercessor, Bill Banks, of Missouri. The email was about a prophecy spoken by Kathie Walters, a stranger to Max. She prophesied in writing on July 10, 2004, that two eagles were flying over Texas, and golden oil was falling from them! This prophecy came true five days later, as “The Empty Cross” TM was erected!