Impact Christian Fellowship

2031 Goat Creek Rd.

Kerrville, Texas 78028

Phone: (830) 792-9844    Fax: (830) 792-3310   Email:


Services:  Saturday 7:00 PM & Sunday 10:30AM

(Childcare provided)


Current Church Leadership:

David & Cindy Danielson (Lead Pastor)

Richard & Glenda Holcomb (Founding Elders)


George & Sharon Comegys (Founding Pastor)

Franklin & Katie Bess Williamson (Elders)

Strange Orbs of light were first noticed floating over the members of Impact Christian Fellowship in the fall of 2006.  Impactis a non-denominational, evangelical church in Kerrville , Texas .  This church is known locally for its Bible based teaching, passionate worship, community service, liberty in the Spirit, supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit and love.  The “heart” of the church is to intimately fellowship with God on a daily basis, and to follow the Holy Spirit of Jesus, wherever He leads.  (Click here if you would like to learn how to know Jesus Christ, the God worshipped at Impact.)

This passion for God at the church has resulted in dramatic growth and many documented miracles, within the congregation.  The miracles have included supernatural healings, prophecy and the manifestations of all nine of the supernatural Gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12), which the Bible says should be present in all New Testament Christian churches.  The proper exercise of these special, empowering Gifts is welcomed and taught at Impact. (Click here to learn more about the amazing Holy Spirit Gifts, which are the rightful inheritance of all Born-Again Believers.)

 In addition to the manifestation of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, many other unusual “signs and wonders” have occurred in the fellowship, and are common among members, including the Greiners.  These amazing, documented manifestations of the Holy Spirit have included the subtle appearance of the “visible glory of God”, known as the Shekinah Glory.  Tiny golden dust particles often appear on Impact worshippers, on the church chairs and floor.  Click here  for more information on theShekinah Glory Dust, a sparkling substance that looks like fine glitter.

Other unusual manifestations of the Holy Spirit have included the supernatural appearance of tiny dove feathers floating in the air.  The Bible describes the Holy Spirit descending like a dove.  These are actual, real feathers that appear to be “down” feathers from the breast of a white dove.

 The Bible teaches that in the last days the Gifts of the Holy Spirit will be poured out in great measure (Joel 2: 28) and “signs and wonders will follow Believers” (Acts 2: 19). This is happening now at Impact Christian Fellowship, as it is at other Christian churches around the world. Apparently, the Holy Spirit of God feels very welcome at Impact church.  This is the “Texas Hill Country” church that Max and Sherry Greiner have attended since 2000. Click here to see the church website and learn more about Impact, where everyone is welcomed. 

The Orbs, or “halos” of light, were first noticed in the church when members, Ryan and Nicole Huff, took pictures in the sanctuary for use on the new church website.  (Click here to read the Huff story.) To their surprise, clearly visible, transparent bubbles of light appeared in many of their photographs, all of which were taken with a digital camera and flash.

Since that time, several people, including the Artist, Max Greiner, Jr. have taken dozens of photographs in the church.  The transparent Angelic Orbs are visible in many of their photographs, even though they cannot be seen with the “naked eye.”   TheOrbs of light appear to increase in number and brightness as the worship of God begins.  The balls or bubbles of transparent light also seem to follow, or stay close to passionate followers of Jesus Christ, especially during worship, prayer, ministry and teaching of the Word of God.  The Orbs have even appeared on request, when a Believer asked in the name of Jesus!

The Artist believes these Angelic Beings are the “living creatures”, described in the Bible, by the ancient Prophet, Ezekiel.  The Jewish Prophet wrote about Angelic Creatures that traveled with the Holy Spirit.  He described them as wheels, wheels within wheels, intersecting at times.  He said they were able to move in any direction without turning, from the ground to the air.  The Prophet also said these creatures appeared to have four rims, or rings, that were covered with eyes (Ezekiel 1: 15 – 22).

This Orb phenomenon is not unique to Impact, as research indicates that film and digital cameras have been documenting theOrbs of light since 1996.  Other Christian churches around the world are currently photographing these Orbs in their services and functions.  The Orbs also appear everywhere on the planet, but they seem to congregate around followers of Jesus Christ, and children.  The Greiners believe God is using these supernatural Orbs, and other signs and wonders, to draw the spiritually curious to the truth of Jesus Christ.  God used supernatural miracles to attract people to Jesus Christ, when He walked the earth as the God Man, two thousand years ago.  It appears God is now using strange Orbs of light to again capture the attention of a world that has grown tired of “religion”, and is hungry for spiritual truth.


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