Supernatural Orbs
"Born-Again" Christians

Ryan & Nicole Huff Orbs

December 15, 2006

One Saturday night in mid June I ask my husband Ryan if he would take some pictures of the Impact Christian Fellowship service for the website  He took a couple with a PowerShot A40 Canon digital camera and I took them to Christy Kitchens who is a web designer and teacher.  I was taking a couple of classes from her and that day she was going to give me some tips on putting photos on the website.  When she opened the file she was speechless.  Then with excitement she immediately started to tell me that there were “Orbs” in the picture, and that she had never seen so many.  This was the first time I heard of “Orbs” and then she goes on to tell me that they are Angels. I then showed the Pastor of Impact Christian Fellowship, David Danielson, and he showed Max Greiner, who was very familiar with the “Orbs”.

Then last week December 7th – 10th, 2006 we had a special speaker, Graham Cooke.  At these services Max Greiner took pictures and in these pictures were the “Orbs”, but nothing like the day of the church dedication, which was December10, 2006.  There were so many, more than the first picture that my husband took in June.  I then became more intrigued and went to Max Greiner's website to read his essay that he wrote on the Orbs.  In his essay he talked about doing an experiment by asking God to bring his Angelic Orbs.  I thought…I'm going to do it!  So I got my digital camera and right before I took the pictures, I ask the Lord to bring His Angels.  I took about nine photos and in every picture an Orb was present and in some there were multiple Orbs.

The Leadership of Impact Christian Fellowship welcomes the Holy spirit to each service and encourages the operation of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12) in the body. As a result miracles, signs and wonders are common in their services.
Ryan Huff was the first person to photograph the transparent Orbs at Impact Christian Fellowship, on Saturday night, June 17, 2006. He was taking photos to used on the Church's new website: Also, at the top of the cross is a "Crown of Thorns" made by Max Greiner, Jr. Notice the flame in the center of the crown, that is not visible to the "naked eye".
On December 15, 2006 Nicole and Ryan decided to do the "Orb Experiment" which Max had suggested at the end of his essay discussing Orbs. To their amazement, after praying and taking the photos, the transparent Orbs appeared in nine pictures taken at their home.
Ryan and Nicole Huff are members of Impact Christian Fellowship in Kerrville, Texas. This young family is "sold out" for Jesus, eager to follow Him wherever He goes. They were the first to photograph the Angelic Orbs at their church, where Max and Sherry Greiner also worship. Nicole is primarily responsible for the church's website, which can be seen at:
Ryan and Nicole Huff are members of Impact Christian Fellowship in Kerrville, Texas. This young family is "sold out" for Jesus, eager to follow Him wherever He goes. They were the first to photograph the Angelic Orbs at their church, where Max and Sherry Greiner also worship. Nicole is primarily responsible for the church's website, which can be seen at:

Christ Central Ministries Orbs

October 22, 2006


Upon looking over many photos taken at the Mission Station, I was looking for one in particular and low and behold the last photo in this series blew me away.  I thought my computer moniter was extremely dirty.  I cleaned it and couldn't believe the number of Orbs and intensity of light.  I included the first three because of the bright light right over the heart of my friend Mike Zimmerman.  He returned from Iraq about 11/2 yrs ago and look where the Orb is located on each photo.  We had many other photos with these same Orbs.  I thought it interesting to see the swirly design in them.  Some are so large, others like bright intense lights while others look like bubbles.  Hope you enjoy.

Blessings to you and Sherry as the Light gets brighter,


After reading Max's experiences with the Angelic Orbs, in his October 22, 2006 Prayer Intercessor Newsletter, Barbara Franklin decided to go through the photos taken at Christ Central Ministries, in Aiken, South Carolina. Barbara and Judy Floyd run a homeless shelter in their community. To their amazement, they discovered the Orbs of light in many of their photographs.
Barbara Franklin is one of Greiner's long time friends and a Greiner Prayer Intercessor, along with her friend, Judy Floyd. Barbara and Judy operate a Christian homeless shelter in Aiken, South Carolina. These two ladies are anointed servants of God. He uses them powerfully in their community to meet the spiritual and physical needs of those less fortunate, which includes children and entire families. To support their worthwhile efforts, please contact them at Christ Central Ministries: (830) 648-6010
Click here to see more "Supernatural" Orbs that were photographed by other "Born-Again" Christians.




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