Supernatural Orbs
"Born-Again" Christians

An Angelic Orb hovers next to internationally known Pastor Mike Bickle at the House of Prayer in Kansas City.


"Earnestly Contending"

On 3/15/07, Dustin Brimberry wrote:

Today I got an email from a friend of mine with a link to your website.  He told me he saw a picture of me taken at Kerrville, TX when Bill Johnson was speaking there.   It was very cool to see my picture with an Orb nearby.

Anyway, last year my wife and I took a trip to Kansas City to attend a conference at the International House of Prayer.  Attached are a few pictures that I took, one of them is a picture I took of Mike Bickle, and you will notice there is an Orb right next to him.  There are also a few more pictures of the Orbs from the conference in Kansas City.  This stuff is very interesting. 

In addition to those photos
I am also including a picture my wife took while she was in Thailand on a missions trip last month.  When she showed it to me, I first thought that maybe this whole Orb thing was a demonic thing and was ready to dismiss the whole thing because I was thinking why in the world would an angel be at a culture show in Thailand that glorifies Buddhism.  My wife insisted that they were angels and she has since the first one she saw last year.  After reading your explanation on your website,
I will not longer doubt that they are from God.  This is a very cool new manifestation that God is showing us.  I can't wait to see what He does next.

Thanks for doing the research.  Due to the size of the pictures, I am sending you a separate email with the Thailand pictures.

Earnestly Contending,



Click on image above to enlarge.

Click on image above to enlarge.

Click here to see more "Supernatural" Orbs that were photographed by other "Born-Again" Christians.





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