Band of Angels
----- Original Message -----
From: Holly Avila
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 8:46 PM
Subject: orbs
Much to my surprise, at a recent gig for my band, photos were taken, and they are full of Orbs. Looking at these photos, you would think that it was a very secular situation with drinking and dancing, but the African man in the pictures and myself, the red haired singer, are both tongues speaking Christians, and we were speaking of God to the people between our songs and we were honoring cultural diversity with our music.
Holly Avila
----- Original Message -----
To: Holly Avila
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:24 PM
Subject: Orbs
Hi Holly,
Thanks for your letter and photos. They are great and you will be seeing more of these Orbs, since God is using them create curiosity in the "lost".
Tell non-believers you meet to visit my website, which has the best photos and explanation of Orbs on the internet. During their visit, the Holy Spirit will introduce them to the Gospel!
Tell people about Ezekiel and Jesus when they ask you about the Orbs!
Can I post a few of your photos and letter on my website?
God bless you!
In Jesus,
P.S. Today we added a lot of new photos to my website. Check out "Letters to Skeptics".
Max Greiner, Jr. Designs
P.O. Box 290552
Kerrville, TX 78029
(830) 896-7919
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