Supernatural Orbs
"Born-Again" Christians

Worship Orbs in Home

----- Original Message -----

From: "Ben & Jessica Schaafsma"
To: <>
Sent: Fri., February 29, 2008 1:13 PM
Subject: Angels-Glory at home

My name is Jessica.  I live in Alaska .I attendCrossroads Community c hurch which is connected with Bethel in Redding . I am very 
encouraged by your website.  Within the last year and a half, I have begun worship dancing with my children and husband in our home.  We have taken pictures of some of these worship sessions and have captured these orbs.  I really do believe they are angels or God's Glory.  I love that they are in my home and they aren't in every picture I take.  They are mostly in pictures where we are worshipping and in the pictures of worship we get a lot.  Feel free to share these pictures with whomever you'd like.  They are such an encouragement.  I would really encourage all families to worship dance and welcome the 
Glory of God into their home.


Mission Trip in Uganda

----- Original Message -----

From: Danny Davis
To: Max Greiner, Jr. Designs
Sent: Wed., July 23, 2008 4:10 PM
Subject: Re: The Holy Spirit


I wanted to sent you a couple of pic's I took on a mission trip to Uganda . Let me know if you would like to know more.

In Him,

Danny Davis




Orbs in Australia

----- Original Message -----

From: christie
To: Max Greiner, Jr. Designs
Sent: Thur. May 15, 2008 9:56 PM
Subject: Re: Attention Max Greiner - Angel Orbs

Hi my name is Christie Andersen and I live inAustralia , Gosford, I am a born again Christian. Recently I heard a christian friend talking about these amazing pictures that showed up orbes in photos. I am rather curious so i decided to have l look on the internet to see if I could find the pictures or some like it. Thats when I came accross your website. After seeing some photo's I decided to look at some of my own photo's and to my amazment I believe  I may have found some. I felt rather hesitant so I decided to ask God to allow me to see more of them when I take photo's. I went around my house and took a few. Again I was amazed to find whatI think are some orbs. I have enjoyed reading your website on the orbs and found the explanations helpfull. But i'm a little confused about the face, mabe i'm just good at making shapes out of spots but I would love to know what you think. 

 I appreciate your time and hope you have a wonderful day

 God Bless Christie Andersen



----- Original Message -----

From: christie
To: Max Greiner, Jr. Designs
Sent: Thur. May 15, 2008 9:56 PM
Subject: Re: Attention Max Greiner - Angel Orbs

Hi my name is Christie Andersen and I live inAustralia , Gosford, I am a born again Christian. Recently I heard a christian friend talking about these amazing pictures that showed up orbes in photos. I am rather curious so i decided to have l look on the internet to see if I could find the pictures or some like it. Thats when I came accross your website. After seeing some photo's I decided to look at some of my own photo's and to my amazment I believe  I may have found some. I felt rather hesitant so I decided to ask God to allow me to see more of them when I take photo's. I went around my house and took a few. Again I was amazed to find whatI think are some orbs. I have enjoyed reading your website on the orbs and found the explanations helpfull. But i'm a little confused about the face, mabe i'm just good at making shapes out of spots but I would love to know what you think. 

 I appreciate your time and hope you have a wonderful day

 God Bless Christie Andersen

Click here to see more "Supernatural" Orbs that were photographed by other "Born-Again" Christians.





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