Sherry and I met the ladies at the boulder walkway entrance to our passive solar, earth sheltered studio home. The Holy Spirit was right, there were more than 50 ladies. It was estimated that more than 125 women, including a few husbands and young people came out to our ranch that day!
We first gave them the tour around the exterior of our home and then took them inside. (To take your own virtual tour of the Greiner Home/Studio/Ranch, (click here.) As I explained how I designed and built our house, I mentioned several miracles God had worked on our property. I also told them that our land and home had been dedicated to the Lord. In fact, seven carpenters were “saved” on the job, during the construction process in 1998.
Finally, we led the ladies back outside to the Prayer Patio, which extends southward toward the canyon, that surrounds our home on three sides. This patio, which has a cross-shaped campfire pit in the center, is the place where I pray most mornings, at sunrise. The ladies first filled the patio seating, and others sat on the surrounding rocks, as I began to share some of our personal testimony.
As I did, I found myself telling them about the Shekinah Glory dust, which had been manifesting in our home and on my family since March 7, 1999. (Click here to learn more about the Shekinah Glory miracle.)
Afterwards, I then began to pray for the ladies, as the Holy Spirit directed. First, I prayed for the husbands of the ladies who weren’t saved, and against sin in their lives. I then prayed for physical and emotional healing of the women, after first leading them in a prayer of forgiveness, for those who had ever hurt them. The ladies began to weep and groan as I prayed. Next, I bound and rebuked the demonic forces, in the name of Jesus, that were attacking the women and their families.
I concluded our time of prayer by asking the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ, to bless His daughters by revealing His visible, Shekinah Glory to them. After ending my prayer, I asked the ladies to raise their hands if they saw any sparkles, similar to fine glitter on the palms of their hands and finger tips. Immediately, gasps of astonishment began to come from the crowd, as one by one they began to raise their hands. Within five minutes the Holy Spirit had sprinkled every single lady, as tears of joy flowed down their faces!
They began to break into small groups and pray for each other as “revival” broke out on the ranch. The experience was overwhelming to them. We found out later that their church was not “charismatic.” This was a life-changing encounter with God for most of them, as reflected in the dozens of letters and emails that poured in afterwards.
Group leader, Martha Fisher and her husband prayed for Sherry and me, once the group finally departed, after three memorable hours on the ranch. Martha then told us that before the conference, the Holy Spirit had told her, that He was going to have an “intimate encounter” with the ladies at the conference. Martha said with a smile, “This was it!”
If you are asking yourself now, if this testimony could possibly be true, or why God would manifest His presence with golden glitter dust, please click here to read some of the letters that came in the following this intense experience with the Holy Spirit, on the Greiner ranch. |
