Art Collectors - Individuals
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Partial list of well-known people, who own or have purchased Art by Max Greiner, Jr.

Dr. Robert Andringa, Council for Christian Colleges & Universities, President
Chuck Adams, Internationally known writer & bowhunter 
Dennis Anderson, Praise Broadcasting Network, President
Herman & Sharron Bailey, Christian Television Network, CTN
Madeline Balletta, Bee Alive Inc.
Rev. Tommy Barnett, The Dream Center
Cliff Barrows, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Dr. Jerry Bawcom, University of Mary Hardin Baylor , President
Fred Bear, Bear Archery, founder, internationally known bowhunter (deceased)
Dr. Henry Blackaby, Home Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention
Ken Blanchard, Faith Walk/ Lead Like Jesus
Rev. Wellington Boone, Wellington Boone Ministries
Dr. Kermit Bridges, Southwestern Assembly of God University, President
Drs. Bill & Vonette Bright, Campus Crusade for Christ, founders (Bill deceased)
Rev. Rodney Howard Brown – internationally known evangelist
Dr. Albert Brinson, American Baptist Churches , USA , President
Rev. Steve Brown, Keylife Ministries
Jim Buick, Zondervan Publishing, President
National Commander John Busby, The Salvation Army
President George W. & Laura Bush
Patricia Cahill, Catholic Health Initiatives, President
David & Carol Cape , “On the Road with Jesus”
Bruce Carroll, Christian Music Artist
Johnny Cash, country music legend (deceased)
John Castellani, Teen Challenge Training Center, President/Executive Director
Truett Cathy, Chick-fil-A, founder
Dr. Paul Cedar, Evangelical Free Church of America , President
Morris Cerullo, Victory
Dr. Morris Chapman, Executive Committee, Southern Baptist Convention
Mahesh & Bonnie Chavda, All Nations Church
Charles & Kathie Crismier, “Save America ”
Dr. David W. Clark, Family Net Television, President, Southern Baptist Convention
Roy W. & Brenda Coffman, “The Upper Room”, United Methodists
Dr. Gary Cook, Dallas Baptist University , President
Dr. & Mrs. Garth Coonce, TCT Christian Television, founders
Rev. Paul Cowell, White Stone Inn
Dr. Paul F. Crouch, TBN / Trinity Broadcasting Network, founder
John C. Culpepper, Jr., Stalworth Inc./Culpepper Properties
Bob D’Andrea, Christian Television Network, President
Rev. Hector Diaz, Mount Paran Church, Atlanta, GA
Dr. Jim Diehl, Church of the Nazarene Internat'l Hdqtrs., General Superint.
Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Life Action Ministries
Doug Devos,
Richard DeVos, Amway
Dr. Paul Dixon, Cedarville College , President
Dr. James & Shirley Dobson, Focus on the Family, founders
Rev. Creflo Dollar, Changing Your World Ministries
Dr. Steve & Judy Douglas, Campus Crusade for Christ, President
Dr. Jimmy Draper, Lifeway Christian Resources, Southern Baptist Convention
Jesse & Cathy Duplantis, Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Rev. John Echardt, Chicago , IL
Jim Easton, Easton Aluminum, President
Dr. Howard Edington, First Presbyterian Church, Orlando , FL
Dr. Ray Ellis, Free Methodist Church of North America , President
Dr. Jim Epting, North Greenville College
Dr. Tony Evans, Oak Cliff Bible Church , “Urban Alternative” radio show
Dr. Jerry Falwell, Liberty University
Dr. & Mrs. Buckner Fanning, Trinity Baptist Church
Art Figurski, Back to the Bible
Mike Francen, Francen World Outreach
Dr. Fred Finks, Ashland Theological Seminary, President
Dr. Ronnie Floyd, First Baptist Church Springdale , MO
Millard & Linda Fuller, Habitat for Humanity, founders
Ken Gaub, Ken Gaub Ministries
Carl Geisendorfer, Believers Broadcasting Corporation
Bill Glass, Champions for Life / Bill Glass Ministries
Dr. Billy Graham, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Rev. Franklin Graham, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Dr. Jack & Deb Graham, Prestonwood Baptist Church
Jim & Louise Grassi, “Let’s Go Fishing” Ministries
Mart Green, Mardel Inc.
Jim Gwinn, CRISTA, founder
Dr. Michael Guido, Guido Evangelistic Assn.
Dr. Delmer Guynes, Southwestern Assembly of God College, President
Dr. John & Diana Hagee, Cornerstone Church
Dr. Bill Hamon, Christian International, Bishop
Dr. Bill Hart, Cathedral of Praise
Dr. O.S. Hawkins, Annuity Board, Baptist General Convention of Texas
Dr. Jack Hayford, Church on the Way
Ruth Ward Heflin, Calvary Pentecostal Tabernacle
Dr. Ken Hemphill, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Dr. Howard Hendricks, Dallas Theological Seminary
Dr. Jim Henry, First Baptist Church , Orlando , FL
Professor Rodney Hill, Texas A&M University
Rev. Benny & Suzanne Hinn, Benny Hinn Ministries
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Hollinger, WDAC Radio
Dr. Paul Hontz, Central Wesleyan Church , President
Andy & Joan Horner, Premier Designs Inc., Founders
Dr. Ryan Hutchinson, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, President
Governor Mike Huckabee, Arkansas
June Hunt, Hope for the Heart Ministries
Kent Humphreys, Fellowship of Companies for Christ International
Ron Hutchcraft, Ron Hutchcraft Ministries
M.R. James, Bowhunter Magazine
Ron Jedlinski, Roman Inc., President
Dr. Mike Jefferies, First Baptist Church , Fort Lauderdale , FL
Tom Jennings, Jennings Compound Bow Inc., founder
Dr. Ed Johnson, Sterling College, President
James Johnston, Premier Designs Inc.
Wynona Judd, country music star
Dr. D. James & Anne Kennedy, Coral Ridge Ministries
Dr. Lawrence & Coral Kennedy, North Church
Ben Kinchlow, 700 Club
Doug Kittredge, Internationally known bowhunter
Ron Kolpin, Kolpin Manufacturing, President
Dr. Woodrow Kroll, Back to the Bible
Dr. Beverly LaHaye, Concerned Women for America
Nev Larson, WDCX-FM Radio
Dr. Greg Leith
Dr. Richard Lee, Rehoboth Baptist Church
David Lincoln, Covenant Health Systems & Catholic Health Association, USA
Hal Lindsey, Author
John S. Lore, Sisters of St. Joseph Heath Systems, President
Dr. Sam Lowery, Belfast , Ireland
Dr. T.L. Lowery, Church of God
Silvania Machado, International evangelist
Dr. David Mainse, Crossroads Christian Center
Joel Manby, Hershend Family Entertainment, President
Dr. John C. Maxwell, Equip Foundation, Injoy Ministries
Coach Bill McCartney, Promise Keepers, founder
Cas McCaslin, “Upward” Ministries
Lonnie Melashenko, “Voice of Prophecy” Radio Show
Dave & Joyce Meyer, Joyce Meyer Ministries , “Life in the Word”
Beth Moore, Living Proof Ministries
Sam Moore, Thomas Nelson Publishing, Chairman
Michael Moran, Leading the Way Ministries
Dr. John Morgan, Sagemont Church
Harold Myra, Christianity Today Inc.
Jack & Barbara Nicklaus, golf legend
John Nill, Walk Thru the Bible
David North, Volunteer for America
Chuck Norris, Television star
Dr. Harold O’Chester, Great Hills Baptist Church , Austin , TX
Dr. Jeff O’Neal, Micah’s Inc., President
Lowell “Bud” Paxson, Pax Broadcasting
Dr. Page Patterson, Southwest Baptist Theological Seminary
Marvin & Kay Peterson, Elna Smith Foundation, “ The Great Passion Play”
Pope John Paul II, Vatican , Rome , Italy
Mike Philips, Marriage Ministries International
Dr. Ron Philips, Central Baptist Church
Chuck Pierce, Glory of Zion International Ministries
Lonnie “BO” Pilgrim, Pilgrims Pride Chicken
Dr. Larry Poland, Mastermedia
Dr. Ro & Mawie Pudaite, Bibles for the World
Dennis Rainey, Family Life Today
Dr. Jerry Rankin, International Missions Board, Southern Baptist Convention
Hershel Reid, Collector
Dr. Pat Robertson, Christian Broadcasting Network
Rev. James Robison, Life Outreach
Dr. Adrian & Joyce Rogers, Bellevue Baptist Church , Cordova , TN
Jerry Rose, Total Living Network
Rev. Sid Roth, Messianic Vision
Jeff & Julia Royer, Collectors
Rev. & Mrs. Bob Russell, Southeast Christian Church
Dr. Mark Rutland, Southeastern College
Dr. Dave Samuel, Professor, Writer & Internationally known bowhunter
Dr. Robert H. Schuller, Crystal Cathedral
Alan Sears, Alliance Defense Fund
George Beverly Shae, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Dr. Bob Shattles, Friendship Baptist Church , Austell , GA
Dal Shealy, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, President
Doug & Barbara Small, Alive Ministries
Clyde & Peggy Smith, Smittyville, Owners
Dr. Robert “Ish” Smith, Greenville College (1994), Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Don Soderquist, Walmart Inc, President
Dr. Bervick Spell, Lifeline
Glenn St.Charles, Pope & Young Club, founder, bowhunter
Dr. Charles Stanley, In Touch Ministries, First Baptist Church , Atlanta , GA
Bob Steinke, DVT Inc.
Dr. Jay Strack, Jay Strack Ministries
Dr. Joseph Stowell, Moody Bible Institute
Gil Stricklen, Market Place Ministries
Dr. Anna Mae Strauser, Full Gospel Assemblies, General Superintendent
Dr. John Sullivan, Spirit of God Fellowship
Dr. Dennis Swanberg, Christian comedian, “Swan’s Place” TV Show
Dr. Chuck Swindol, Insight for Living, Dallas Theological Seminary
Dr. Del Tarr, Assembly of God Seminary, President
Al Taylor, Church of God Headquarters
Arthur Temple, Time Inc., Temple Eastex
Dr. Jack Terry, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Vice-President
Re. John Tolle, Lighthouse Church
Dr. Thomas E. Trask, General Council of the Assembly of God
George Underwood, Dallas Theological Seminary, Chairman
Dr. Larry Ulrich
Jay Van Andel, Gospel Communications
Sister Patricia Vandenberg, Holy Cross Health System
Dr. Jerry Vines, Southern Baptist Convention, Executive Committee
William H. Wadsworth, National Bowhunter Education Foundation (deceased)
Dr. Peter & Doris Wagner, Global Harvest Ministries
Dr. Clement Walchshauser, Three Rivers Church
Dr. Charles Walton, First Baptist Church/ Author , Conroe , TX
Dr. David Walker, Alamo Baptist Church
Doug Walker, National Bowhunter Magazine, founder
Shelia Walsh, “700 Club,” CBN
Dr. Rick Warren, Saddleback Church / Author
C.J. Watts, Jr., Congress of the United States
J.R. Whitby, Gospel Communications, President
Dr. John White, International Missions Board, Southern Baptist Convention
Dr. Joe White, Kanakuck Kamps, I'm Third Foundation
George Williams, Broadman Holman Publishing, Southern Baptist Convention
Dr. Avery Willis, International Missions Board, Southern Baptist Convention
John Wimber, Vineyard Ministries – Internationally known pastor (deceased)
Dr. Frank & Ruth Wright, National Religious Broadcasters, President
Ken Wright, Evangel Church
Dr. K.P. Yohannan, Gospel to Asia
Dr. Ed Young, Second Baptist Church , Houston , TX
Billy Zeoli,, Co-Chairman
David Zeoli,, Director





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